Originally Posted by Theee View Post
MP events sound good
but maybe some little sp event like we already do them on skype is enough, we dont necessarily need these big monthly event even tho i like them a lot :3

Not all monks are in skype.. a monthly forum event is needed.
Originally Posted by BBKing View Post
Not all monks are in skype.. a monthly forum event is needed.

yea i meant it more like an example, like we dont do it on skype but post the challenge on a Challenge Thread or something like that, write down a deadline (only 1 or 2 days) and the challenge there
and the winner gets 1-2k

i'd suggest that atleast 3 or more people enter this event to "activate" it so no one spams events that no one enters and gets all the tc.
24hours to let other people say they want to enter the challenge and then it starts.

one problem that could occur there is that someone maybe are not able to finish the replay in time.

also the guy who makes the challenge should be the judge to make sure he didnt make a replay in advance

(just an idea, monthly challenge sounds still cool to me)
Pidda's spirit animal
Originally Posted by Static View Post
So it's like Ormo duels? Or is it different?

its not really a duel, you dont lose any items or tc if you lose
and a duel is a 1vs1 most of the time

but i think you can compare it to this
Pidda's spirit animal
Originally Posted by Theee View Post
its not really a duel, you dont lose any items or tc if you lose
and a duel is a 1vs1 most of the time

but i think you can compare it to this

You dont know a bit about ormo duels, do you.
Originally Posted by duck View Post
You dont know a bit about ormo duels, do you.

im not in ormo and i dont really care anymore about ormo so no.
Pidda's spirit animal
Can't we have something as simple like "Monks of the month" or something like that, where the most forum active and helpful players gets a small prize every month.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
Originally Posted by Mack View Post
Can't we have something as simple like "Monks of the month" or something like that, where the most forum active and helpful players gets a small prize every month.

"Why did he win?"
"I should have won"
"X deserves it more"

And so on and so forth.