So yeah, hello, i even dont knowed how to start so i choose it, i will keep posting here so ill try from intro.
If someone dont know me then hm, Im Dominic, im from Poland, now im 17 years old and im just happy from chance that live gived me, i belive there is some way of happy live, also lets continue, my city name is Gdynia, i like that place because i have my own world here, my room of course, its calm and nice here, if someone want then come and ill make some food hah, my hobby is... hm... im pretty sure cooking, having budgies and huh, toribash, japanese language and anime/manga, its not that much but enough for me.
Favorite food, hm, all fast-food :3
Dont worry im not fat, sadly i dont know what should i say more... its almost morning there, so i dont sleeped that night... to much anime hah, i have work today so ill make some food, have a good day all broses
Originally Posted by DvSpl View Post
So yeah, hello, i even dont knowed how to start so i choose it, i will keep posting here so ill try from intro.
If someone dont know me then hm, Im Dominic, im from Poland, now im 17 years old and im just happy from chance that live gived me, i belive there is some way of happy live, also lets continue, my city name is Gdynia, i like that place because i have my own world here, my room of course, its calm and nice here, if someone want then come and ill make some food hah, my hobby is... hm... im pretty sure cooking, having budgies and huh, toribash, japanese language and anime/manga, its not that much but enough for me.
Favorite food, hm, all fast-food :3
Dont worry im not fat, sadly i dont know what should i say more... its almost morning there, so i dont sleeped that night... to much anime hah, i have work today so ill make some food, have a good day all broses

Nice bio bro ^-^
Hm, thats good question...
I just think something on bad side is not finished yet, i know what these thing is...
It will be fully finished in 10 months.
Then i will be always happy.
Hah, i know that feel bro, but.......
I musi go to work now.... i must survive that 8 hours of pain... see ya guys...