ToriGirl22 is no longer a member of any clan.
Deed is done, We can not have Banned people in the clan.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Zock I was in a hurry and I typed it fast haha anyway get in the irc I am sad and lonely in there.
Scammers suck. I wi say no to all of her pleads unless she is 100% innocent. End of discussion. :]
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Agreed. Now onto other matters.

What does everyone do on the weekends? Like activities - I am sure people know that I play British League Hockey on Saturdays.
<Abyss> I am Cookie, fear me \o3o/
I play toribash, work out, martial arts, friends, cod, and i like bowling. :l
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
my days are: Sleep -> Shit&piss -> play wow -> piss -> eat -> sleep
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