...Akuma, its your opinion nothing we say would change your mind so...relax cartoon, each one have they own idea about apps, new member and that things...

Also Welcome.
I'm doing fine. Apart from all the homework and the set I'm working on, I'm very leisurely. Meaning very busy.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Calm down Akuma and Cartoon. Saying this because I see intension rising between you to.
Were not really based on ingame anyways. Were mainly forum people.
Maybe it was an intension for tension...deep thoughts lol
Anyways, yeah, I don't think this is a very big problem. I see that Akuma was only concerned about Cartoon's skill level and wanted to test and see if it was best for the clan.

EDIT: Oops I missed Cartoon's app, because I'm so sickly and I was using my phone which is glitchy.
EDITEDIT: Akuma, I didn't get your pm
Last edited by Muur; Feb 3, 2011 at 03:46 AM.