bought 50$ worth rp. namechanged to Dank Squad Teemo, bought the icon and the skin. 1.4k left xD. waiting for tha vayne.
no u

Originally Posted by Karstnator View Post
Ey guys, got any tips for Sion and Twisted Fate? : 3

bring cinderhulk top lane as sion. in lane you have infinite sustain with your w/flask to cs for free and get the passive on ur w up

when ur level 6, if ur bot lane is ready, ult like a real melanin enhanced fellow down bottom lane and get some free gold

thats basically laning phase, then it's just peeling for your carries. i wouldn't rely on sion being the ENGAGE of a fight, because a smart carry wouldn't be in the front to hit.
Last edited by ed; Apr 10, 2015 at 03:53 AM.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Decided to play my placement matches after some friends got me into it again today. Played a few normals as practice. 1/1 so far, first game I played support annie and we threw a game we should have won, 2nd game I played katarina and rolled my face on the keyboard and got a bunch of kills/assists and won.
Got a pentakill with rumble. Their team chased into our jungle and got caught out by me pretty bad.
His ult is just too good.
Omega Squad teemo looks is sexy, his recall is too good.
I wish they changed the texture for the mushrooms though and not just their explosion animations.
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
The new Teemo skin is hilariously effective at baiting people. What he lacks in laugh annoyance, he makes up with his taunt. Basically a "come at me bro" type of stance with him alternating between two lines. His second line of "You want Teemo? Come and get him." in particular has caused many an opponent to wade into the minefield.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
minefield are real in urf tho, over 20 mushs. and yeah, people seem to be baited more when i use that skin xD. its weird.
no u

Originally Posted by Echoforce View Post

it feels good being the best player in north america

[4:35] frog frog: alex
im 90 lp
open up ur wallet bud
[8:56] : jk i lost my promo
and then i lost 60 lp
[10:06] Tyzii: rip
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up