Got it today. He told me I forgot your a highschool kid so go sign ur self up as a student and get your school to confirm it and now I have the full version free without illegally taking his disc :S

Laggy as hell when u download it but worth it.

Hey have you thought about like... addings some epic text and a background because if u want it as a background it by default makes it white
I cant seem to find my tori in there anywhere... D: Edit ! : Never mind ! lol, forgot my imp head :3




Dragons, we all love them.

Last edited by XSwerunnaX; Sep 21, 2011 at 09:04 PM.
Nice dragon! just make the outlines and details a little darker to match the body and the dude is epic. You just need to give him big muscles and a more anime like figure.
Not saying its bad coz I luv it
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Im gonna have so much fun Wont be able to do loads because I have to do work for him :S Also he is teaching me all the parts of a PC and were gonna build one together (getting an extra 2gb ram added to my 2gb
Its epic Blacky. Its my background now You need to send me a BIG final version when u get round to it (ps add a aura glow)

I can make glows but i'm afraid, if i make the BIG version, it will be bad, because i will resize it.

Originally Posted by strikas View Post
poor lol i made it 4 mins -snip-


Im not there :3 add me

Yeah, forgot to add you, sorry. :/

Originally Posted by Hempel View Post
^I'm not there too ;p
Don't add me, cause I'm nude xD

Also check bazaar - I need to buy some items ;p

@strikas: nice one xDD

I've added you Hempy :3 on the right bottom side.

Originally Posted by TheCobra View Post
epic!! now only guardian text behind us all

also black i know why their plane. You need the head.tga files from tori and uke again ^^

Thanks , i know i need the tga file, but the problem is the head.tga has been deleted because i used Tori and Uke for set tester.

Originally Posted by Falzar09 View Post
Its pretty nice black
As Cobra said,just add guardians behind us all and maybe a background wouldnt look bad

Thanks Fally ;). Yeah i just thinking to make something else.

Originally Posted by tricerafi View Post

Wow it's awesome i don't know how to describe it but it's awesome

Thanks Trice ;)

Originally Posted by XSwerunnaX View Post
I cant seem to find my tori in there anywhere... D: Edit ! : Never mind ! lol, forgot my imp head :3




Dragons, we all love them.

It's on the upper right side Swer ^^
And i really like the dragon, it's pretty cool ^^, but probably the wings are too small.

Update with Strikas + Aura.
Last edited by Blackacezi; Sep 22, 2011 at 01:11 PM.
Am I that with persian lax :P?
I just bought wear for myself ;d - Head texture, force/lax ;d now I'm looking better.
but thank you :3
Nice picture ;p