Preferred Mods:
Old Clans:None
Why do you want to join?:
What kind of skills do you bring to Urban ?:
Other Qualities:
You will need to include 3-5 replays. ( SP prefered, Examples below ):

Replay form: DarkOblivion - Decap.rpl
DarkOblivion - Decap2.rpl
DarkOblivion - Decap3.rpl
Draw a Lemon:
thats all my good one
Nationality:tennessee/ memphis
Preferred Mods:Aikdo
Old ClanseadAngel
Why do you want to join?: If i join i no we can make it on top.And send tc time to time
What kind of skills do you bring to Urban ?: Good Smart And Dans
Other Qualities:No
You will need to include 3-5 replays. ( SP prefered, Examples below )
Attached Files
a lil fun ckilla.rpl (35.9 KB, 7 views)
awsome bitches ckilla12.rpl (47.0 KB, 5 views)
awsome ckilla decap.rpl (22.1 KB, 5 views)
call my killa.rpl (55.1 KB, 6 views)
Age: 12, but don't get me wrong, I'm very mature.
Nationality: I'm American, I have been to Russia and China.
Belt: Black Belt, increasing quickly.
Preferred Mods: Taekkyon, Aikido, Judo, Wushu.
Old Clans: [Bleu], [BaD], [iCoF], [Zero], and [RDmns].
Why do you want to join?: Because I've admired Urban for an ammount of time, always been scared I'll be rejected.
What kind of skills do you bring to Urban ?: I could maybe add more replays in the first post, and make Urban slightly more active.
Other Qualities: Replay Making..
Attached Images
Lemon.jpg (5.6 KB, 5 views)
Attached Files
Gger- Epic Punch is Epic.rpl (95.8 KB, 5 views)
Gger- Llama of Darkness.rpl (270.9 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Gradeger; Oct 22, 2011 at 10:55 PM.