Originally Posted by crazylars View Post
So you are pretty much trying to join because it's a challenge?

No, I was just sick of posting an app then receiving an invite 5 minutes later. It got old very fast.
Also, I believe I need to start explaining things properly
Originally Posted by fluffykat View Post
Lars, cut the man some slack.
He's a pretty damn decent guy and I have a good feeling about him -3-

Don't make me piss you off.
If we could make this more like Fight Club that would be better.

Lars would be the guy sticking around to tell them that they can't join, as a test to see if they really want to be in our clan. After they get in, we should treat them like one of us.

Otherwise it does seem a bit needless.
Same here. Sometimes I get bored, open toribash and join a server, realize that all the people that play these days are noobs, then leave after 2 fights or so.
Originally Posted by fluffykat View Post
Same here. Sometimes I get bored, open toribash and join a server, realize that all the people that play these days are noobs, then leave after 2 fights or so.

Never join aikido servers. Shoveler central, those places are