^ Randomly posting messages to be in a signature. Nice thing to do.

Been sick the whole day, made a head and it turned out to be pretty epic. If I find out how to make it a spinning .gif image I'll post it here.

Last edited by Fluttershy; Oct 30, 2013 at 11:59 PM.
Robotic tribal head I see? Hm..
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
Check out my 🎧 FREE💃 sound request shop! - I have a lot of art (like, 45+ heads and a few sets) for sale! PM me for them!
Head desnt look all that bad, I might throw some offers your way.
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
Originally Posted by Fluttershy View Post
^ Randomly posting messages to be in a signature. Nice thing to do.

Been sick the whole day, made a head and it turned out to be pretty epic. If I find out how to make it a spinning .gif image I'll post it here.


which is front/back ?
Simple Doesn't Mean Its Easy
Thank you if you do, Zeus.

Back = Part with black and white stripes.
Front = Part with dark red.
And why did you put that in your sig? ._.