Originally Posted by PorkMasta View Post
Age: 14
Where do you live?: Maryland, United States
What belt are you?: White
Where do you want to improve: Swords, Freestyle, Classic, Judo
Favorite Mods: Swords, Freestyle, Classic
Why do you want to join?: Well, I found this game and I've been playing it ever since. I went online and got killed in about 5 turns, so I decided i needed some help xD I would also like to get to know others and have a good time on the forums and in-game.

Sorry for the stall, a bunch of students posted right after your app and another page got created. By the way, it doesn't really matter how fast you lose.

Anyway, accepted. Check out IRC and wait for our inactive co-leader to finally send you an invite via PM.

Originally Posted by xPro View Post
Age(optional): Blah
Where do you live?(optional): Blah
What belt are you?: Green
Where do you want to improve?: My bad moves
Favorite mods: Akido.tbm [is that a mod?], and running.tbm [i suck at running]
Why do you want to join?: So i can get better and not fail epicly

Yes, aikido is a mod. By the way, parenthesis (( and )) are used for those messages, not brackets ([ and ]). Yes, I did just put parentheses and brackets inside of parentheses.

Oh, and you're accepted as well. Check out IRC while you wait for Kareem98 (our very inactive co-leader) to invite you via PM.
I think virtue want to test me to be a co-leader. BTW why kareem98 is so very inactive co-leader but the rule in co-leader is more forum active.
I believe that something's going on in real life for him.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

Also, please do not post messages such as that in the application center.

Oh, and just because you're not a co-leader doesn't mean you don't have to be active. I don't currently know if anything's going on that's causing you to be inactive, but please try to pick up on that.
Age(optional): 16
What belt are you?: blue
Where do you want to improve?: aikido
Favorite mods: twinsword4fixed; judo
Why do you want to join?: i'm a bleu belt but im not a very good player. i want to get better and meet new friends that teach me new tricks
Originally Posted by gilbert32 View Post
Age(optional): 16
What belt are you?: blue
Where do you want to improve?: aikido
Favorite mods: twinsword4fixed; judo
Why do you want to join?: i'm a bleu belt but im not a very good player. i want to get better and meet new friends that teach me new tricks


Join one of our teachers' classes to improve you skills.
All students awaiting invites, be patient.

Kareem98 will invite all of accepted students when he is on next time.
Last edited by Hero; Jul 16, 2011 at 03:30 PM.
Originally Posted by akmal View Post
All students awaiting invites, be patient.

Kareem98 will invite all of accepted students when he is on next time.

that's right. i already pm kareem that many students are awaiting for his invitation.
Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
I believe that something's going on in real life for him.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

maybe your right. sorry about posting that in application thread and also this one.
Last edited by RedFox223; Jul 16, 2011 at 04:00 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by RedFox223 View Post
that's right. i already pm kareem that many students are awaiting for his invitation.

maybe your right. sorry about posting that in application thread and also this one.

* Rule broken by RedFox223

Students are not allowed to post in application centre.

Redfox223, you are not a supervisor/teacher. Be careful next time.