Lol so i herd u like pizza. also party. u r pro decap + u pwn nubs and since c3 is newb clan u want 2 help them kk so join us plz.

C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
Hello. I am applying for this clan today.

My name: Cole
My age: 17, February 10th is my birthday.

Details about myself: Well, I started playing this game in November 2007, as you see in my join date. I mainly focused on playing the actual game and not caring much about the forums. Yes, my post count is low, but if I could get into this clan, I would be extremely active. Honestly, post count doesnt matter at all. I am a pretty laid back, fun guy to be around. I have a great sense of humor, and like to make jokes. I currently live in ontario, Canada. Anyways, I think I have alright spelling and grammar,
it's not bad in my opinion, aha.

Why I want to join: I want to join because I want to make some friends in this game. I want to associate with new people and get to know them. I want to join so I could use my knowledge of this game and help others. Also to give me a reason to get on the forums everyday : )

And yes, I am planning in changing my username soon. I can't stand having this one.
Thanks for reading this,

Last edited by Cole; May 5, 2011 at 06:04 AM.
Originally Posted by pwnage96 View Post
Hello. I am applying for this clan today.

My name: Cole
My age: 17, February 10th is my birthday.

Details about myself: Well, I started playing this game in November 2007, as you see in my join date. I mainly focused on playing the actual game and not caring much about the forums. Yes, my post count is low, but if I could get into this clan, I would be extremely active. Honestly, post count doesnt matter at all. I am a pretty laid back, fun guy to be around. I have a great sense of humor, and like to make jokes. I currently live in ontario, Canada. Anyways, I think I have alright spelling and grammar,
it's not bad in my opinion, aha.

Why I want to join: I want to join because I want to make some friends in this game. I want to associate with new people and get to know them. I want to join so I could use my knowledge of this game and help others. Also to give me a reason to get on the forums everyday : )

And yes, I am planning in changing my username soon. I can't stand having this one.
Thanks for reading this,


I am digging this
Hell yes, great attitude, and the application was quite nice.


Feel free to come hang out in #c3 with us on irc. I'm not on atm, but I will be there tomorrow if you like.
Originally Posted by pwnage96 View Post
Hello. I am applying for this clan today.

My name: Cole
My age: 17, February 10th is my birthday.

Details about myself: Well, I started playing this game in November 2007, as you see in my join date. I mainly focused on playing the actual game and not caring much about the forums. Yes, my post count is low, but if I could get into this clan, I would be extremely active. Honestly, post count doesnt matter at all. I am a pretty laid back, fun guy to be around. I have a great sense of humor, and like to make jokes. I currently live in ontario, Canada. Anyways, I think I have alright spelling and grammar,
it's not bad in my opinion, aha.

Why I want to join: I want to join because I want to make some friends in this game. I want to associate with new people and get to know them. I want to join so I could use my knowledge of this game and help others. Also to give me a reason to get on the forums everyday : )

And yes, I am planning in changing my username soon. I can't stand having this one.
Thanks for reading this,


Yes he is an old member but he is new to the forums.
He doesnt have a noob attitude even though he is new to the forums which really impresses me.
Accept him, im sure he will impress us all.
Its all true.
You are very mature for a newcomer to the forums, and that has caught my eye.
I dont actually give real votes with C3.. well.. ever. This is about the first time. Im not really in C3, but my opinion matters here.

I mightve invited you to apply for [clan] if you werent already joining C3.
Although none of us know you so you wouldve been denied because we only accept people that we all know and love. But still. :3
Name: Pwnage 96

= Pwnage 1996 = 2011-1996 = 15

Is that not right?

Your application was ok but I'm just wondering why is your account name as mentioned if you just turned 17.
96 Is a common favorite number of people because 9 is 6 upside-down and backwards :P
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.