Crap guys I was banned, didn't think you guys knew. xD
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, and when I play I will kill you. :) See you then <3
Originally Posted by ShhhMikes View Post
Well good bye America. It was nice knowing you, half of your country are gonna regret that decision lol

Probably more than half
honestly isnt going to be that bad, i mean think about it, people have always thought bad things as president and eventually it just blew off.
Originally Posted by Thronior View Post
the problem is, it hasn't ever been THAT BAD

Oh, no! It was never "THAT BAD" like it is now!
I blame Trump for better relations with Russia in order to keep the world peace.
Oh no! What if he's now going to actually work on the problems inside the states not outside like Obama did, it's that bad.

Like come on, nothing even happened yet.
Last edited by Nikos; Nov 9, 2016 at 07:22 PM.
Originally Posted by NikosDEAD View Post

Oh, no! It was never "THAT BAD" like it is now!
I blame Trump for better relations with Russia in order to keep the world peace.
Oh no! What if he's now going to actually work on the problems inside the states not outside like Obama did, it's that bad.

Like come on, nothing even happened yet.

For Real Like WTF
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, and when I play I will kill you. :) See you then <3
Originally Posted by NikosDEAD View Post

Oh, no! It was never "THAT BAD" like it is now!
I blame Trump for better relations with Russia in order to keep the world peace.
Oh no! What if he's now going to actually work on the problems inside the states not outside like Obama did, it's that bad.

Like come on, nothing even happened yet.

He's going to work on what HE THINKS are the problems in the US, per example mexicans or women rights and that kinda stuff. And he's still gonna do stuff outside the US, per example, he's gonna bomb the fuck out of syria and those countries, he's gonna kill the terrorist's families, he's not gonna give a fuck about global warming because he thinks it's "a hoax" etc.

oh and he's probably even gonna fuck up with any financial histories, looking at his history.

I mean man, i'm worried, and i live in luxemburg... that's in europe btw
Man this makes me want to learn Russian.

It sounds so amazing when he speaks, my ears are full of eargasm juices.

Also, all I can do is look towards this presidential election with optimism. Though I do not agree with what has transpired I can only hope that he fixes the problems that are wrong with this country.

We all must give him a chance, there is nothing to do now but to sit back and watch as he either destroys america or does what he claims and makes it great again.

Who knows, maybe behind all his bigotry there is promise.
I pretty much share the same thought as you do, let's give it some time and see what actually happened
because for now all i see is all the Hillary fans telling me what he's "gonna" do and what's "going to" happen.
1. Im not a hillary fangirl, i hate her too, just not as much as trump

2. Im too lazy to type "he claims he will" every time so yeah i just wrote gonna to make it simpler, i don't think most of the things he planned are even possible to do when looking at laws and stuffs

3. I live in luxemburg, so yeah the only thing i can do is sit by and watch, you on the other hand can do something. I agree with "giving him a chance" tho, but if that fails, you CAN do something. Especially if you are an optimist