Originally Posted by Holotor View Post
My username is aslik (I was the Jax)

I have no methods of opening that, so I'm just going to scroll down your OP.GG match history and see what I can find:

Game 1, Jax, 13/9/4

Game 2, Jax, 9/1/5

Game 3, Nidalee, 9/8/5

Game 4, Heimerdinger, 8/9/1, 832 MMR Game

Game 5, Blitzcrank, 2/6/2

Game 6, Thresh, 1/4/6

Game 7, Zed, 9/11/1

Your Rating, improving from this point

Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Majority of the games where I died alot were probably because I was bored of the game and was annoyed at what was happening; I don't really try hard enough when I know we're losing badly.
I really really love the fact you took time to write all this stuff, most of it is pretty accurate.

Whenever I play Jax jungle I think to myself, "what would Trick2g do?". For instance, throughout the early to mid game the enemy ADC is 5/0 and our bot lane outer tower hasn't died yet. You'd think I should at camp their lane at the very least, but no. I'd rather spend my time afk farm my jungle and snowball my top and mid lane because they haven't been outscaled on yet. So I buy what my team is lacking (Frozen Heart for tankiness + cdr + attack speed reduction, Randuins for tankiness + active slow). You won't see me buying Blade of the Ruined King on Jax jungle (at least in the early/mid game) because my team doesn't need it.
If we're ahead I still probably wouldn't buy BotRK because I want to be tanky enough with Randuins/Frozen Heart or whatever to survive through fights and not die. If I don't die I'd go straight back to pushing towers and lanes, getting dragons, farming jungle, etc etc.
I'm not really sure why I go for Spirit Visage over Banshee's, I just hate the cooldown on the passive (I'm fucking retarded, realising this now after reading.. lmfao).

During the Nidalee game at one stage I was 7/2/2 and could get Ahri down to half health with just one spear. I was just really peeved at how Fiddlesticks engaged into the enemy team by not even ulting into them from the fog of war but rather he just walked up, ulted in front of their faces, then gets deleted. I tried stopping Tryn from splitpushing because my entire team ignored him backdooring our inhib even though I pinged the shit out of it. So once I died a few times I just couldn't get back into the game since my team couldn't win team fights or play as a team at all.. And yeah that was the worst CSing I've ever done as a Nidalee. I even stopped in the mid lane and took poke from Ahri just think about the fuck I was missing so many CS. xD

My itemization is pretty horrendous, whenever I base I just buy what I think I need vs my laning opponent to outdamage/outsustain but I don't really think it through. I'll work on that and hope I improve that quickly..

Thanks for the advice Hax! <3
Holotor I didn't watch the game yet, but here's what you did wrong.

1. Played Jax.
2. Played Jax in jungle.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

2 big things:

1) You don't know how bad your team is actually losing. Just because the score is 36 to 17 doesn't mean you are losing hard. Just because it's 36 to 17 and you're down 3 dragons to 1, and your team is down in CS, and you have no wards up, doesn't mean you're in a game that won't be won. Trust me when I tell you that Bronze players have zero clue who is actual winning and turn throwing won games into an Olympic Event. Open your arms up, put yourself in the position to catch the throw, and once you have- close the game out.

2) You...okay I need to word this in the right way or you'll take the advice way wrong... Hmm..

Building "what the team needs" won't work the way you think it will. Like if they have a really big Jinx on their team, and you think "ermergerd, I need a Frozen Heart because she's auto attacking really fast on my team and they are dying", not exactly always the best plan. The best plan might be "Let me get a Blade of the Ruined King and just kill the Jinx before she can do anything against my team.". A dead Jinx does a lot less DPS than one with 30% less attack speed.

Like you need to build around what's happening to you. If the 20-0-11 LeBlanc is using her spells to kill your squishies, you don't need MR. Because LeBlanc ain't hitting you. She's hitting Caitlyn. You need to fucking kill LeBlanc. Or you need armor because IDK Renekton is like all over you team fights when you go for LeBlanc. If you're getting onto their LeBlanc just fine but aren't killing her, you need damage. If you die to her before getting onto her because of the Renekton and Jinx, you need health and armor. If you try getting to her but you're getting CC'd, you need Merc Treads and Banshee's Veil.

I can sympathize with your frustrations. You're thinking Trick2G's style of play is "fuck my team, I want to win without them." And so he plays in such a way that he gets a guaranteed amount of gold, and punishes people in objectives. But Trick2G isn't challenger for a reason. Hell he isn't the best Udyr for a reason. His playstyle teaches low ELO players that you can carry yourself out of low ELOs by doing something that's really easy to recreate the scenario everytime...but you aren't learning league of legends very well. And his style gets punished a lot.

Basically he wants people in the jungle because you can plan out everything that happens from minute 0 to 20 if you play this farm carry jungle. And he thinks "man bronze people suck at not dying and suck at farming, so if I make these bronzies play my farm jungle strat, I can guarantee they'll always be reasonably big". It's just not learning. You're denying yourself the ability to play around what's going on, to acquire better mechanic ability, and understand different power spikings.

Stop doing billy's bootcamp routine, pick up the barbells. It'll hurt like shit, results will come slow at first, but you don't get 25 inch arms doing Taibo.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Mar 19, 2015 at 01:00 PM.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Firstly, Trick2g actually teaches a lot more than just afk farming in your own jungle, he teaches jungle paths and build paths and to pay more attention to the mini-map to see what your team is doing and all that stuff etc etc. I just found that only ganking easy kills and farming jungle quickly instead of wasting time standing around in brushes and wait for them to overextend is a better way to go about it. From the afk farm perspective I can actually see what's going on in other lanes and make decisions based on what I should do with my build (I'm just not good at it yet lol).

Secondly, holy fuck. I never actually thought about the whole 'buy damage and kill the bitch first and buy armor/hp to sustain through the kill' strategy. This opened my eyes, I'm definitely going to try this out! Thanks again aha

edit: Imagine if I had a real weapon Kristis..

But there are flaws in his teaching methods. I guess that's not even the point though. That whole "Trick2G rant" was a lil' off topic. The bigger picture is you need to make yourself as useful as possible.

I just purchased Lissandra yesterday with the bundle, never played her once. This is my first game on her, but this'll illustrate my point well:

My final score: 6/8/12, 313 CS, 16k Gold, 38 minute long game

Enemy Nokturne *Counterspelled 4 of my ults...* (14/6/17): 36,890
My damage dealt: 33,620
Enemy Corki (7/4/17): 32,683
Enemy Viktor *Won mid* (8/10/15): 23,900
Our Zed (9/6/7): 22,492
Enemy Malphite (My 9/5/14 Lane Opponent): 22,387
Our Udyr *17k Gold, Most on Team* (8/7/7): 21,130

So yeah I could've played that a bunch better, first time on Liss. But I did what I thought would make me the most useful I could be, got a Triple Kill at baron ACE, and despite them having 2 barons to our 0, 5 Dragons to our 1, and 45 kills to our 31, and them being on the winning team, AND me not even having a 1:1 KD ratio, I was able to be extremely useful. Me outdpsing their APC and ADC and almost having Nokturne's damage is a testament to them not knowing how to USE their gold and their dragons and their barons to win them a game. It's the reason why our extremely large Udyr was essentially useless. It's the reason why their Platinum Viktor got neutralized by my roams and everyone other than me was stuck in Silver, especially that Nokturne, despite him having amazing counterspells.

*Edit* Game 2 on her now, got a 20 minute concede this time. 173 CS @ 20 minutes, jesus christ I understand why Marin and Faker play him.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Mar 19, 2015 at 04:13 PM.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Haha thanks guys but I'm not that good.
I just found myself in a good mood when I played. And I normally only play when one of my friends play

Dr.Hax do that to me please xD I want to have an evaluation with a conclusion too :o
LOL. So I went Nunu in a normal game, and I forgot masteries 0/0/0. We win me going like 9-0 or something stupid, and the mid laner adds me. Says lets play together.

We queue . So I went Lissandra. Out cs'd a sion, we were losing pretty terribly, 2 barons to none, inhib turrets down to tier 2 still up, etc. I flash ult the ezreal and we just B line down mid and end.

LITTLE DID I FUCKING KNOW THIS WAS ACTUALLY RANKED. Oh well, My Plat 2 Lissandra > His Plat 2 Sion despite him being Diamond last season. Hopefully I can get Diamond soon. That'd be nice.

Anyways I haven't ate yet so I'm going to grab a bite to it. If soul and leaf want me to take a look at their match histories that's fine but post again to confirm what you want me to look for and let me get food.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Uh, I think I can just improve, in general. There really isn't anything specific. I think.

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.