zamlo, whores≠drugs

they are two different things, I'm not going to walk into a bar and leave because of alcohol ;/

one is more serious than the other.
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Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
zamlo, whores≠drugs

they are two different things, I'm not going to walk into a bar and leave because of alcohol ;/

one is more serious than the other.

I don't think you understood his analogy quite well.
Your messed up world enthrills me
they are two different things, I'm not going to walk into a bar and leave because of alcohol ;/

one is more serious than the other.

Uhm, alcohol is a drug.
And if you would be shown statistics of how many death it has caused
or families destroyed. It would be worse then lots of other drugs.

It is simply because it is accepted, that you think it is not that bad.
People tend to copy those around them, and share opinions without thinking it trough.
Most people are "affraid" of drugs, because the only things they heared about or got to see were junkies or other people who lost there "normal" lives to addiction.
While there are actually many drugs that are less of a poisen then alcohol,
and not addictive in any way. Alcohol is even one of the drugs that numbs out your sences the more you use it. while others actually stimulate your sences.

I drink alcohol, so it is not like I hate it or anything.
I just think people are generally misinformed on the matter "drugs"
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Very true,"society is a hypocrite" s brucia once said.Both are quite damaging to a human,but the level of damage differs between each drug.In the end,facts are all their...and it's up to the person to decide if it was worth it or not.Just try not to regret the decisions you've taken in your life.In additon,if I ever lived in a civilized country,everything illegal...I wouldn't risk taking.Alcohol is just an "available" drug for me atm.If a different kind of drug becomes available to me which does not cause damage more than alcohol per say,and does not have an important addicitng effect(I'm aware that everythig can be addicting),then I would most certainly take it.Getting illegal drugs is just asking for attention and trouble,why risk it?I know the goverment is a hypocrite etc etc.Instead,try and protest for it to become legalized,having good scientific facts to back you(people who want this drug to be legalized) up ofc.
Your messed up world enthrills me
For my vision of the life,if you want to do something but you don't do it only because your state/government try to block you to do it(for exampe with laws),so you are giving a point to the policy of prohibition(and if you are against that policy,that is also a point against yourself).
Not saying that you have to do what you want careless of the real situation around you,because that would be just stupid,but more that you have to do a mental equation between the real risk of getting problems and the happiness that the forbidden action will give to you(if not discovered of course).
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Originally Posted by bRuCiA View Post
For my vision of the life,if you want to do something but you don't do it only because your state/government try to block you to do it(for exampe with laws),so you are giving a point to the policy of prohibition(and if you are against that policy,that is also a point against yourself).
Not saying that you have to do what you want careless of the real situation around you,because that would be just stupid,but more that you have to do a mental equation between the real risk of getting problems and the happiness that the forbidden action will give to you(if not discovered of course).

So,is it worth it to stay in jail for idk how much for getting high?Not that only,your "reputation" among people would change.Yes,societies a bitch for deeming you "an addicted/sick person",but that's the reality of the situation.Well,at least in my environment.And,i know you probably don't care bout reputation nd stuff,but the people whose view changes to you are people you're gonna have to live with everyday.Some illegal drugs can become legal,for example like squiphz said they are no worse then alcohol.But,when you think of all the dirty business and the government's unwillingness to change this,then I guess the government has a role in this as well.I'd wish as there is the "no drugs","no alcohol" campaigns",people will be informed off the actuality,and dangers of each drug without any bias.
Your messed up world enthrills me
In my opinion if you want to talk about a different topic MAKE A NEW THREAD. God damn it. Dem drugs giving you ADHD. "Wanna join?" thread.
yeah no more off topic in this thread (but i wasn't talking onlu about drugs,my argument is valid for every aspect of the life..drugs are just a 1 minimal thing)
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