I've had a chat with Nobud on steam about that pic and we came to few points:

> german girls are ugly as the russians are superior
> ze aryan nazi is on the watch
> derp priest is derp

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
Mafia Nobud. is mafia'ing around.
Fuck yeah.
I'm the tall guy in the middle.


Jeez, whats up with the guy 2 places to the right of you's hair?
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
Since we're changing topics rapidly in here, school bsns now.

D in maths (FUCK YEAH, better than an E)
B in german (;oo 4 mistakes on 500 words, fuck yeah)
B+ in english (could do better )

My report:

Art: A
Gifted Art LEVEL 5 (ODC Art program) : A
Teen Living: B
Advanced English: A
Algebra 1: A
Earth Science: C
Civics: B

Grade 8, nerrd.

Also, I have an End Of Course test on Earth Science tomorrow, wish me luck!

@Nobud: You look badass o7
Last edited by Slycooper; May 19, 2010 at 03:17 AM.
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
You cannot into education lol. You're younger than me and having problems already, Shadowelf's gonna get raped on higher level xd

I'm just too lazy to learn so I got bad grades from tests. (especially history). About art my teacher said I'm drawing like 3 years old kid. In rest I have A-C :v Also If you piss off your teachers you will not get good grades
(Mam dość zaawansowaną dysgrafię więc to tłumaczy część problemów :P)

btw. Good luck Sly
Last edited by shadowelf; May 19, 2010 at 11:57 AM.
So I heard, another Reputation system is here and it's going to fail horribly once again.
EDIT: I'm such a bad boy. Who cares.
Last edited by Nobuddie; May 19, 2010 at 12:18 PM.
Derp, I know such a rep system from another forum. It's quite cool for few whiles but then gets boring.

(Mam dość zaawansowaną dysgrafię więc to tłumaczy część problemów :P)

chuj z dysgrafią, dysgrafia to brzydkie pisanie, też mam dysgrafię ale nie stwierdzoną (nie chce mi się załatwiać tych papierów) :V na matematyce gówno ci dysgrafia przeszkadza

on school. Err, lemme think.
cbf to use a-f system, I'll use 1-6, 5 being best and 6 being extraordinary etc.

Art and music: 5? I think A, was ALMOST working hard on not getting bad grades. Art sucks [at least in my school]
Polish: 5
Maths: 5
Chemistry: 5
English: 6
German: 5
Geography: 4/5 (fighting hard for 5)
Biology: 4/5 (fighting REALLY hard for 5, I kinda need it)
Physics: 5
computer shite: 6

pretty much everything. I'm getting badass marks despite not workin at all.

also end exams every polish student in my grade takes, humanistic-maths-english. I'm probably getting about 45-40-50 [50= max]

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Maths: 4
Chemistry: 4
English: 5
German: 5
Geography: 4
Physics: 4
computer shite: 6
I have sick teachers few guys have changed school because of that. I hate polish lessons it's fucking boring and useless :v I'm sure if I would take some care about that I could get very good marks (example: 3 in history and I won school competition)

Z matematyki idzie mi w miarę dobrze, jak kiedyś się zbiorę to zeskanuję ci jedną stronę z mojego zeszytu i zobaczysz co to brzydkie pisanie :d