Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I'm only level 15 so far, and I've only played Nasus a few times. I main top though and I find that despite being a pretty nooby character, Garen has the best sustain by far, and his ult allows for some really rage-inducing early game kills. A tanky Garen becomes almost unkillable late game, especially if you buy a warmog. His passive stacks so well with warmog that he regens health at 50+ per second, allowing huge health regen when you're not in a fight. Plus, in addition to the black cleaver, adding a ghostblade will give you enough damage and armor penetration to hurt the other team badly with your E.

Keep in mind, I'm still pretty new. If you have any suggestions to make my garen build better, or if I said something you disagree with, please correct me. My in game name is Eatoon on the NA servers so pls add me as well.
Garen would be good if there weren't 50 other champions that did his job better. Say the enemy team has kennen top(lol rip garen)/ezreal mid/rek'sai/janna/graves(or jinx/kalista), what's garen going to do?

Garen will start falling off very heavily once the other team realizes they don't have to be in melee range of you.
That won't happen for another 10 levels. I've power leveled myself with AP Xin Zhao and Statikk Shiv Annie.

I didn't know Statikk Shiv was virtually useless on Annie, but I saw my friend use it on Trist and suggested I buy it myself. It still worked. I had items with actives and never used them. I still carried.

I'm not saying, "Oh, start trolling games." What I'm trying to say is that these early levels is a time for you to experiment and find out what works and what you're good at. Don't be like me and try to find out if you're a good ADC. At lvl 30, you'll get destroyed if you don't know what you're doing.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
But people don't seem to know what to do outside of laninv phase as Nasus. They just go in the middle of nowhere using Teleport with god knows what kind of champions homing in on you and just stack like it's nobody's business. This pisses me off beyond words.

Just some advice if you don't know already:
Only farm and stack lane if mid lane is just as pushed if not more.

Whenever I play Nasus I literally just stack Q until I'm ready to end the game.. Nobody fucks with the cane

Watch SirhcEz and Trick2g on YT you'll learn heaps about the laning phase as Nasus. If the opponent wants to trade, just make sure to trade in your own minion wave, if you don't have a minion wave, don't overextend. If you're against someone with an annoying amount of poke like Pantheon/Teemo/Gangplank, ask for ganks and farm under tower.
That's all laning phase. I watch both people. Some of their advice considerably made me better. Some of the things they did negatively influenced me *cough*trk2g*cough*. But I've been noticing that the people who watch him ignore a lot of the things they do after the laning phase.

Ok you win lane, then what? I struggle with this, too a lot of times. I just hate it more when it haopens to a Nasus.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
It is incredibly hard to lose lane as Nasus. The only real trouble in lane is Teemo, Quinn and Urgot on the off chance that someone decided to counterpick cuz hue lol

You win anyways because they have a teemo/quinn/urgot top.
Any smartass remarks and comments I see by anyone will result in infractions being made. I check this thread multiple times a day, so spotting it will not be hard. There are many different styles and skill levels here, respect that.

Also, when someone says something about a game, can we not just go to your skill level and just say, "WELL IN X DIVISION THAT..... AND UR BAD"

Just a reminder.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
It is incredibly hard to lose lane as Nasus. The only real trouble in lane is Teemo, Quinn and Urgot on the off chance that someone decided to counterpick cuz hue lol

You win anyways because they have a teemo/quinn/urgot top.

>See Nasus
>Pick Riven
>Win games

Tho a good and smart Nasus can outsustain Riven if he plays the lane well.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

you know who's a fuckface?

Heimerdinger. His poke is so annoying and the fact he can plonk down a turret then go back to safety, literally the safest poke a champ can have.

Fucking Heimerdinger
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18