I'd say probably nasus once he gets stacked up, but he has such a late spike so that's an easy pick. Renekton can do a good amount of damage when tanky as well.
As far as ridiculously big amounts of damage though, that's hard to say.
Yeah, I have nasus. I'll probably buy renekton next.
Problem with nasus is, when you go try to stack, they harrass your ass hard so that you'll have no damage at all late game.
I play nasus a lot before and did tons of damage.
Renekton is similar to Nasus.
Well renekton is much more of a lane bully. He should be ahead on cs in most lanes. He's a pretty safe pick against most top laners.

Even in high plat/low diamond, playing nasus people can't push you out all that well unless they play like teemo or things like that. Just take full tank runes and then stack up. Make sure to start crystaline and tp and you shouldn't be down anything more than like 20-25 cs after laning phase, if that.
League of Legends NA: Locus
The thing about nasus is don't be a pussy bitch, try to freeze lane and keep some pressure on them, you can easily out sustain your opponent and out-damage him once you get your ult.
Just avoid pushing turret unless you feel you might be capable of living through a fight with top and jungle.

Nasus jungle is probably the easiest to go tank but you might have to do some laning later on to get more Q.
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
But people don't seem to know what to do outside of laninv phase as Nasus. They just go in the middle of nowhere using Teleport with god knows what kind of champions homing in on you and just stack like it's nobody's business. This pisses me off beyond words.

Just some advice if you don't know already:
Only farm and stack lane if mid lane is just as pushed if not more.
Buy wards. Seriously.
Get CDR, but not without resistances.
Use Teleport sparingly. Nothing is worse than a Nasus who can't help the team.
Build Tanky. It doesn't matter how ahead you are. Don't go Full AD like an idiot. Damage will come.

And that's all I can type on my phone because my game is starting.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Your advice gave me a tan.

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Last edited by ed; Mar 10, 2015 at 07:09 AM.