Originally Posted by Holotor View Post
I was in Silver but I had a very bad day and got demoted so many times it's not funny. ;_;
Bronze is annoying to get out of because as soon as people hit level 30 they go ham on ranked and you get matched up with the most retarded players and they usually end up feeding the entire enemy team so I can't do anything about it..

I fucking feel you so hard. I'm currently in Bronze II and let me tell you, it fucking sucks. Everytime I try to carry the game, someone just fucking goes retarded and your whole team loses.
Depending on how many buffs Veigar gets in the next patch, I might just return to making him my comfort mid pick. I still think he's fine now, but there appears to be some very powerful buffs in pbe for him. Faster q speed and stopping dashes from going full distance with e stun could result in some trolly shit.

Unfortunately for me, I don't trust ranked in letting me pick my comforts for top and jungle, so I still need to work on my pool. People just don't appreciate blitzcrank in roles other than support and the number of reports I will get for pulling out dumbleudyr will probably instantly get me banned if I don't absolutely carry with it.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
But Dumbleudyr (Are you talking bout Udyr ? Right ?) is a good pick for jungle...One does not simply chase him or try to escape him...
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Originally Posted by HawkeyeTFA View Post
But Dumbleudyr (Are you talking bout Udyr ? Right ?) is a good pick for jungle...One does not simply chase him or try to escape him...

He's really, REALLY easy to kite, I wouldn't say he's a good pick at the moment.
"No mortal arse can quench my thirst."
I'm talking about AP udyr.

And it doesn't matter if blitzcrank is sub-optimal in top or jungle or even mid because I have full confidence in my ability to beat people anyways. I'm not picking blitz solely because I'm comfortable on it, but because I've practiced it so much in various roles that I'm familiar with meta matchups and how to win them, alongside things to not pick in to them. I can win lane as AP udyr against a nasus, Blitz against Riven, tank Yasuo against a darius, AP blitz against a syndra. Doesn't matter how "suboptimal" a pick is if you're good enough on it to play it and win anyways.

The problem is that I've seen too many winnable games go down the drain because some idiot believes too much in meta superiority and starts throwing because somebody isn't playing the meta and some problem happens.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Why are you playing Kat you little bastard?

Easy champ to carry with; get out of Bronze faster. That's what I'm thinking anyways haha it's a shame Katarina always gets banned rip
Originally Posted by chaossook View Post
I'm not trying to be hostile, he's just complaining about not being able to carry and then shows stuff like that so.....

I'm on my way, Kristis.


My complaining about not being able to carry? Too bad i wasn't that wu and was on the opposite winning side.

I was graves in case you can't smell the sarcasm.

Also, I just climbed out of bronze about a week and a half ago. Currently in promos for s4, if you guys want to duo on NA, my summoner's is Ichirakui. Just be sure to tell me who you are.
Last edited by Leaf; Mar 6, 2015 at 07:35 AM.

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