Originally Posted by Tengo View Post
Yeah like how this clan didn't die yet.
Also hi.

And your clan did.
Also hi.
Sold my dog to join RRO
It was because you weren't there for us
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
That's why all new recruits get scared off. They don't want to be tied down in a committed relationship with Atlantic while giving us their soul. When they leave here, they leave without their soul.
Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
When they leave here, they leave without their soul.

i never had a soul in the first place so
welcome back, shamar.
what's the topic of the conversation? i don't even...

This... this needs to get some topic... and quick.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Hi people, Finalwish invited me don't worry about the low post count, i'm sure i can do something about dat ;)

don't look at me for finding a topic for the conversation though =/
Originally Posted by Falwryn View Post
Hi people, Finalwish invited me :) don't worry about the low post count, i'm sure i can do something about dat ;)

don't look at me for finding a topic for the conversation though =/

I love you ;D