My QI is not enough to buy void, though I love it so much :<
Goodluck, hope you're accepted Lumie, (:
not dead
Originally Posted by Luminusian View Post
Okay then, lol. I was just stating the fact that other people applied for power/

Anyways, this replay is dedicated to Akuma. xD

Awesome, thank you so much for partaking in self dm replay making, haha.
Well, soon I will begin to make my first ever set. It will probably stink and go for 10 tc, but that's okay.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Hey dude, I'm sure it will be fine. Check out some of Pate5's Tutorials. They'll teach you shading and what not and how to make a high quality set/head. Also use ViperTech's templates for maximum accuracy.