Originally Posted by Irmantasx View Post
*sigh* its been around 2 and a half months since i applied and it has gone nowhere. I have played you guys ingame and if it takes this long to accept me then i don't wanna waste anymore of my time here. Im not wanting to join Jolly Rodger. Thanks for your time.

Well, if you're not able to wait so long you're not JollyR material.

Have fun in other clans.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Originally Posted by Irmantasx View Post
*sigh* its been around 2 and a half months since i applied and it has gone nowhere.

still shorter than how long I waited anyway have fun in other clans
ima crusin for a bruisn
Originally Posted by Irmantasx View Post
*sigh* its been around 2 and a half months since i applied and it has gone nowhere. I have played you guys ingame and if it takes this long to accept me then i don't wanna waste anymore of my time here. Im not wanting to join Jolly Rodger. Thanks for your time.

Don't let the door hit you on your way out. It's gone nowhere because you didn't put in enough effort.
It was 1 month and a half. You applied on the 13th of January. We've had an app go for 3 months. Not everyone is the same.
I am sry Irman,
but we were not so impressed, or knew you good from before, to give you a fast yes. We took our time, so we wouldn't make a mistake, either way.

Good luck with what ever your intentions might be.
wishful eyes deceive me
It was not meant to be an app, I just want to say a bit about myself.
Sup guys. Well, I think some of you must not know me right, most know me, I think. Well, I'm really interested in join to JollyR.
Well, I live in Brazil, I'm 17 years old, started playing Toribash in 2009.
I consider myself good in-game (if anyone wants to play me just tell me ).
My favorite mods are lenshu, wushu and Taekkyon. I can speak three different languages ​​Portuguese, English and Spanish.
I want to join you guys, why am I looking for a solid clan a long time, I've been through many clans, but never found the partinership that you guys semms have. I would really have fun with you in-game, I have much respect for this clan, A lot of epic players here etc.. actually one of the best clans. things that everyone already knows
If I get accepted, I wont leave you guys, just if someone kick me or if the clan dies (something hard to happen) .
Well that's it. I want to know more about the guys who are not my friends.

Edit: I was wondering if I can post in other threads? :o
Last edited by Handler; Mar 10, 2012 at 05:37 AM.
good that you posted here
Anyway sure,post where u want!
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
State what mods you can play. Pretty much any mod besides judo, I prefer aikido and taekkyon though
State whats your belt (At least 7th Dan). Custom Belt
State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger. I've been fond of you guys for quite a while, and in my opinion, I'm well acquainted with a few of your members.
State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of. Tint and eVo
State why u left that clan. I left Tint because I was too inactive and eVo because, well let's just say I had some "issues" with tripstone.
State if you had any earlier accounts (including the names of those accounts).: This is my one and only.
State what happened to those accounts. N/A
State if you have bought Qi. Yeah, I have. But that was quite awhile back and I'd still be a custom belt even if I hadn't considering I didn't buy that much.
State if you have bought an account with higher Qi than your original account. N/A
State past infractions/bans. N/A
State your timezone. GMT -6
State your age.14
Forum activity. I'd say a 5/10 for now
In game avtivity. I'd say a 4/10 for now
Vouchers (The guy who invited you). No invites, took it upon myself to apply
Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that). I guess you could call me an average videomaker, nothing special though.
Some replays. Attatched below. I only have 2 spars with SWEXxELITE though, because I recently had to reformat my computer, although I am in ORMO
And finally state something about youself,that you would like us to know. I was the 2011 world champion, if that means anything ;o
Attached Files
Daxx vs Swex 4.rpl (525.1 KB, 7 views)
Daxx vs Swex 5.rpl (831.2 KB, 7 views)