Is it that time when you're moving away from you're family? It's like starting a new life
Gl man !
Pm me for deals
Does it mean that u have to pay for toribash if it gets accepted? Beeing a store?
I know it's april fools, anyway i don't care that much about all that fancy hair and hats.
Maybe it's more than april fools joke. It might be true, thow it is kind of stupid...
Pm me for deals
I play toribash via steam for a month and as I know it will be free after release
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There are several free to play games on steam, and toribash will be one of them. Btw, got the beta key for toribash on steam 1 month ago ( ty pal) and it's great.

The best way to keep yourself motivated is to learn how to hate your life to the point where you want to get revenge on existence itself.