Originally Posted by Zed501st View Post
Ok...... why all the hate? I allways write things like "just lucky" to entertain because to me adding little things is funny. I know i lost and im not ashamed of saying that. And maybe you are right that i have a Superiority Complex, but that might be only because back in "da good old days" i used to stop everyone in aikido and abd. So sorry if i did offend someone.

~ Z e d ~

Oh don't take it in the wrong context. There is no hate, just confusion.

but its all sorted and figured out so there is no point in talking about it some more and making it an even bigger problem than it already is.

Channel - ok
Well let's hope we all get on well from now on, xd

Idk nothing new guys? for instance here we have a long weekend since friday and monday are holydays
Hi zed.

Man... who r you? lol
Its been a while bro, dang. you will stay active or will just say hi and bye?
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
hey mates,pc got virus/blue screen of death thing(only after reaching some hours) lmfao,but still playable-replaymakeable,so i'll keep here posting and doing other stuffs.
wb zed.

about "it was luck" thing:
let people say it for entertaining,who really cares about who won/is better? have fun.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
To care you need to have feelings, to have feelings you need a sould. I lack on this last one okno.
Ouh damn vic. What did i tell you about Russian deep web? Okno, lets hope you fix your pc bud