Oh no virus. he got rejected I said he should apply since he was good he said "I will apply if i get rejected." but he didn't read the first post s idk...
@scavenger9 : Don't even try anymore, you are really unloyal and you make really bad apps that it hurts my eyes when iRead it. Plus, you applied for so many clans that I think you're LYING in your application.

You got rejected by: Tekken, Nitro, Jolt, Haunted, and many other clans that I forgot the name.
Last edited by iPrime; Oct 5, 2015 at 06:47 AM.
Haha! Ur mad!
Iprime mind your own business PLEASE
Last edited by scavenger9; Oct 5, 2015 at 11:52 AM. Reason: Cuz Nitro Cool
Don't talk to me please im sad
My Application
Hi Nitro,

I know that it hasn't been two weeks yet but I am really determined to join Nitro. I was previously going to say that "If scavenger9 can get in, then so can I", but then seeing his fate and treachery, I am glad I didn't.

I am Scintillate. I have applied many, many times in the past. Ever since Day told me to experience clan life and when Bercat called me an unloyal hoe, I realised that there is no way I would join another clan. I thought that it was some sort of loyalty test so, yeah. Since then, I have had discussions about clans with Tori0baby and Mocucha (eVo), consistently defeated the (Black_ma) recruiter beby123 (or some other numbers), parkoured with (Mythical)Ohmygulay but now I think that he is in Jolt. So, this proves that I have experienced clan life without being in a clan - following Day's orders without being an unloyal hoe. I recently fought a few Nitro members and won, so I sort of think that I am not too far behind some of Nitro. Like I said last time, I am Australian - GMT+10 but add an extra hour for daylight savings so it is actually GMT+11. I am now a brown belt but I believe that belts aren't a marker of skill, they are a marker of time played. I also forgot to mention that I used to have a blue belt account before I forgot my password.

Why Pick Me?

I think that you should pick me because I think that I can help Nitro become better. I excel at ABD, Aikido, Mushu, Wushu, and I sometimes play Taekkyon. I don't excel at sparring and I am sure that at least half the people in Nitro are pros at parkour, and tricking. I love encouraging people to do their best and I think that I would be great at competitive fighting.

Why I Want To Join.

Ever since I had some clan experience, I have realised that It is so much fun to play with people, against people, and train with people. It is great to have a small community of serious and skilled players with me.

"Day is better than Zack at Toribash"

Hello I would like to apply to this clan again for the idk how much times but here. My name is Sim. I joined this clan yesterday because your leader has invited me to nitro and stayed there for one day. My favorite mods are Mushu boxshu aikido abd.

I was pretty mad and sad when someone kicked me from nitro. So this is like my 9th time doing an app to nitro. So I went outside to punch my punching bag and I was mad at that time and my punching bag fell to the ground.I got pretty mad but calmed down when I was saying thought in my head.

I have Skype yes yes and i hav Zack's already.I only stayed in Nitro for ONE day so i looked and why i was kicked.There was no reason for kicking me.But past is the past so we move onto the future.Sometimes i can be unloyal but i have respect to people.I have only beaten Virus and Blackdragon that day becasue i didnt hav that much time to play because ive been on for 10 hours or more so im pretty active and I also see that Nitro is pretty ative too.

So irl I am 5'4 inches I am 10 and I have gotten inspired by SweeYollo,even Scintillate got inspired by me.I am a absolute gamer and has been playing video games for the rest of his life and he thought he would make a youtube channel and he did.For 6 months or so i had got 1k views on his channellHe got in inspired by Concon Matrika and Mocucha.Only one of his videos got 738 views of so.

I am a 2nd Dan Black belt and very skilled.On Saturday 7:30 or so Zack invited but for some reason i had gotten kicked.So this might be my last time righting a app for Nitro.Since i was in Nitro i already gotten friends and will not know if they still might my friends.Wich makes me sad if they will change and be meaner then before.Sunday,Sunday,Sunday I nevee really knew I would get to be in Nitro but I hope i get to be in Nitro again.

I was going to help Nitenite on his war but he didnt want any i could have helped him but he said No.Then I tried helping other Nitro members they also rejected me.So when I woke up on Sunday.I was playing with parrot2004 that was when i realised i got kicked.I never knew but I I just got paralysed when I got kicked.Nitro was pretty much my dream getting into but it happend it did but it didnt last long.

My Skype name is Epicmusic GaMeR or epicmusic gamer,so if you would like to add me it will be appected.For 3 to 4 months I've been trying to get in Nitro but i get rejected to on other clans i just feel like im getting cyberbullied.Even Haunted Jolt and some other lower clans rejected me.So to make my dream complete i just wanna say please make this app go through and join nitro again.

So im looking forward to being a Nitro member again and make my dream come true and stay in nitro for atleast 5 to 3 years.And i look forward to make more friends in Nitro and maybe more because friends matter to me I only lost 1 friend and that one friend I took it hard i cried for 3 hours so please dont be a stranger to me.So many of my friends really matter to me I have enemies but atleast they werent my friends.So for Nitro is a small clan it wouldn't hurt to have one more member.

I choose Nitro because I knoe there is some good in them some people think Nitro members are mean but i dont.I think Nitro is a good clan and very very happy because Zack was nice to me Virus was even Blackdragon.They are my friends and I hope they dont go away.Im very nice and brave.I was very soft but im not soft anymore well im kinda soft but the only thing i want is to in the Nitro family.

Nitro is very awsomeI love the way their clan looked and how very fast they went to 2nd best clan and Nitro has been only on for 2 years!!!I bet Wapow took longer phew.How must it been hard for Zack and the other leaders to take this clan to the roofs.Btw i like how you guys fight and plan.Days have pazsed in my life and sadly my grandma is slowly dieing but she said to make your dreams come true.She is alive today and im saving money so i can nuy her medicines so she wont die im very close to getting her medicine.I counted how many paragraphs i did and i did 10 i hope these paragraphs get to make it in Nitro Bye!!!Oh yeah I read your instructions. Btw my Account was made in March 2015 and my B-Day wad one there k now bai.
Hello I would like to apply to this clan again for the idk how much times but here. My name is Sim. I joined this clan yesterday because your leader has invited me to nitro and stayed there for one day. My favorite mods are Mushu boxshu aikido abd.

I was pretty mad and sad when someone kicked me from nitro. So this is like my 9th time doing an app to nitro. So I went outside to punch my punching bag and I was mad at that time and my punching bag fell to the ground.I got pretty mad but calmed down when I was saying thought in my head.

I have Skype yes yes and i hav Zack's already.I0I only stayed in Nitro for ONE day so i looked and why i was kicked.There was no reason for kicking me.But past is the past so we move onto the future.Sometimes i can be unloyal but i have respect to people.I have only beaten Virus and Blackdragon that day becasue i didnt hav that much time to play because ive been on for 10 hours or more so im pretty active and I also see that Nitro is pretty ative too.

So irl I am 5'4 inches I am 10 and I have gotten inspired by SweeYollo,even Scintillate got inspired by me.I am a absolute gamer and has been playing video games for the rest of his life and he thought he would make a youtu e channel and he did.For 6 months or so i had got 1k views on his channellHe got in inspired by Concon Matrika and Mocucha.Only one of his videos got 738 views of so.

I am a 2nd Dan Black belt and very skilled.On Saturday 7:30 or so Zack invited but for some reason i had gotten kicked.So this might be my last time righting a app for Nitro.Since i was in Nitro i already gotten friends and will not know if they still might my friends.Wich makes me sad if they will change and be meaner then before.Sunday,Sunday,Sunday I nevee really knew I would get to be in Nitro but I hope i get to be in Nitro again.

I was going to hekp Nitenite on his war but he didnt want any i could have helped him but he said No.Then I tried helping other Nitro members they also rejected me.So when I woke up on Sunday.I was playing with parrot2004 that was when i realised i got kicked.I never knew but I I just got paralysed when I got kicked.Nitro was pretty much my dream getting into but it happend it did but it didnt last long.

My Skype name is Epicmusic GaMeR or epicmusic gamer,so if you would like to add me it will be appected.For 3 to 4 months I've been trying to get in Nitro but i get rejected to on other clans i just feel like im getting cyberbullied.Even Haunted Jolt and some other lower clans rejected me.So to make my dream complate i just wanna say please make this app go through and join nitro again.

So im looking forward to being a Nitro member again and make my dream come true and stay in nitro for atleast 5 to 3 years.And i look forward to make more friends in Nitro and maybe more because friends matter to me I only lost 1 frienx and that one friend I took it hard i cried for 3 hours so please dont be a stranger to me.So many of my friends really matter to me I have enemies but atleast they werent my friends.So for Nitro be a small clan it wouldn't hurt to have one more member.

I choose Nitro because I knoe there is some good in them some people think Nitro members are mean but i dont.I think Nitro is a good clan and very very happy because Zack was nice to me Virus was even Blackdragon.They are my friends and I hope they dont go away.Im very nice and brave.I was very soft but im not soft anymore well im kinda soft but the only thing i want is to in the Nitro family.

Nitro is very awsomeI love the way their clan looked and how very fast they went to 2nd best clan and Nitro has been only on for 2 years!!!I bet Wapow took longer phew.How must it been hard for Zack and the other leaders to take this clan to the roofs.Btw i like how you guys fight and plan.Days have pazsed in my life and sadly my grandma is slowly dieing but she said to make your dreams come true.She is alive today and im saving money so i can nuy her medicines so she wont die im very close to getting her medicine.I counted how many paragraphs i did and i did 10 i hope these paragraphs get to make it in Nitro Bye!!!Oh yeah I read your instructions.

Day is better than Zack.
Last edited by scavenger9; Oct 5, 2015 at 12:01 PM. Reason: Cuz Nitro to pro
Don't talk to me please im sad
That's not exactly what I meant scavenger9. I said that you de inspired me to join other clans. That's not always a good thing.
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719