##Platabear has run out of oxygen code:
[10:23:32] Risk: w0w
[10:23:52] Risk: I'm just going to go ahead and say this is within my jurisdiction as a GM
[10:23:54] Risk: b&
[10:24:11] Pablo (Lethal): go ahead, there's more of me everywhere
[10:24:17] Pablo: i'm but a clone
[10:24:46] Pablo: a thread in the grand doilly
[10:24:47] Pablo: of life
[10:24:53] Pablo: which is really in the matrix
[10:25:03] Pablo: which is a computer program
[10:25:13] Risk: within a computer program
[10:25:16] Risk: within a computer program
[10:25:24] Pablo: within a decent movie
[10:25:32] Pablo: in the mind of america's favourite crappy actor
[10:25:40] Pablo: keanu reeves
Last edited by Hattersin; Jan 30, 2014 at 10:31 AM.
PM me with any and all questions


My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Last edited by Hattersin; Feb 3, 2014 at 09:26 AM. Reason: Fixed your link again
Even in dark times, we cannot relinquish the things that make us human.
what kind of a freaking name is that holy fu-
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
Botty is an IRC/in-game bot, one of the plugins is .cleverbot which makes it carry a conversation with you, it's fun to dick around with

long retarded conversation

Last edited by PlataBear; Feb 13, 2014 at 03:52 AM.
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
[2014-03-27 12:13:47] Mud ��:
[2014-03-27 12:13:47] Isolations .: it was a dark time
[2014-03-27 12:14:21] Pablo: we are all doomed
[2014-03-27 12:14:29] Mud ��: 8'/
[2014-03-27 12:14:58] Pablo: perhaps the answer was infront of us the entire time
[2014-03-27 12:15:02] Pablo: combat whales
[2014-03-27 12:15:37] Sauron: genius
[2014-03-27 12:15:54] Mud ��: bazooka octopodes
[2014-03-27 12:16:12] Pablo: fish-chuckas
[2014-03-27 12:16:33] Mud ��: Omfg
[2014-03-27 12:16:38] Mud ��: hahaha
[2014-03-27 12:18:21] Pablo: fish tank was an obvious one i missed
[2014-03-27 12:19:00] Mud ��: haha holy shit
[2014-03-27 12:19:14] Pablo: it is outraygeous
[2014-03-27 12:19:31] Pablo: this is happening
[2014-03-27 12:19:36] Pablo: all night fish puns
[2014-03-27 12:19:52] Pablo: it'll be krilliant
[2014-03-27 12:21:23] Sauron: oh my god
[2014-03-27 12:21:27] Sauron: krilliant
[2014-03-27 12:21:38] Sauron: whale, im so done
[2014-03-27 12:21:51] Sauron: sea ya gulls later
[2014-03-27 12:22:00] Pablo: don't be so shrimple
[2014-03-27 12:22:15] Pablo: i bereef we are just starting
[2014-03-27 12:22:39] Sauron: i don't know, this whole thing smells fishy
[2014-03-27 12:22:59] Pablo: it's not up for debait
[2014-03-27 12:23:03] Pablo: so stop floundering
[2014-03-27 12:25:17] Sauron: its not like if you stop you'll die or anything
[2014-03-27 12:25:57] Pablo: you ain't squidding
[2014-03-27 12:26:28] Mud ��: I'm cracking up in class
[2014-03-27 12:26:30] Mud ��: Cod you not
[2014-03-27 12:28:15] Pablo: you better change your tuna mud
[2014-03-27 12:28:18] Sauron: ill chop you up and serve you raw hatt
[2014-03-27 12:28:42] Pablo: this is dolphinately not gonna stop
[2014-03-27 12:30:25] Pablo: holy shrimp! this scampi be happening
[2014-03-27 12:31:08] Mud ��: will you ever run out of puns
[2014-03-27 12:31:39] Pablo: any fin is possible
[2014-03-27 12:32:00] Sauron: come on hatt
[2014-03-27 12:32:03] Sauron: don't trout
[2014-03-27 12:32:18] Pablo: you're making us feel gillty
[2014-03-27 12:35:43] Pablo: are we done?
[2014-03-27 12:37:02] Mud ��: You tell me :y
[2014-03-27 12:37:23] Pablo: what's a killer's whale favourite music genre
[2014-03-27 12:37:24] Pablo: sole
[2014-03-27 12:37:48] Mud ��: Mud �� claps
[2014-03-27 12:37:59] Pablo: never said i was a brain sturgeon
[2014-03-27 12:38:34] Sauron: damn you're krilling me here
[2014-03-27 12:39:25] Mud ��: already taken
[2014-03-27 12:39:28] Mud ��: brb physics
[2014-03-27 12:42:30] Sauron: are you saying there's more than one fish in the sea?
[2014-03-27 12:43:49] Pablo: lets stop now to avoid turtle disaster
[2014-03-27 12:45:11] Sauron: but this is so coral
[2014-03-27 12:45:39] Pablo: well it's time to pass the torch to salmon else
[2014-03-27 12:46:28] Sauron: pablo, that's pretty shallow
[2014-03-27 12:46:51] Sauron: lets just end it here to stop people from being so blue
[2014-03-27 12:48:43] Pablo: okay, from this point on, fish-pun night is o-fish-ally over

PM me with any and all questions