@ Kowla: Will do.

@Maxfire: Glad you've come back. I suspected your internet must have been out for some reason, which would explain your recent inactivity. Welcome back.

@Rainboweye: It's all good; stuff happens.
This guy was once a GameMaster
my internet was down cause I haven't paid my bills yet , but I'll try to update and look on stuff as often as possible
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)

So, you still don't have internet? Or did you already pay your bills?

Kind of confused me there.
This guy was once a GameMaster
LOL it's funny when our English gets so bad that you can't understand what we are saying. It really makes me laugh when I see something like that. But it feels bad because I have been speaking English and using it in my everyday life since the first grade but my English isn't getting any better :/
I usually understand what you mean, although sometimes a few things don't quite make sense. :v

He said his internet 'was down' which suggest he got it back, but then he said he still hasn't paid his bills. So I don't know how to take it..

This guy was once a GameMaster
Yes that confused me too. But I am not better than him :/ I make horrible stupid mistakes.

So many of my friends learned to speak English by watching Cartoon Network, I used to watch it too but I didn't get that good at speaking English. Also when I first went to school I went to an English school for 4 years. But my English is still shit.
Neither of you have bad english :P.

I would say it's better than most people who don't speak it as a first language.
This guy was once a GameMaster
Thanks. What you said made me feel good : >

When is your birthday ? I looked at your join date and wondered when is your birthday :P

My birthday is at 11 September.
happy advance b-day piegod
I have paid mah bills but the danm phone company is going to take a while on reconnecting me , I'm just posting from the computer shop right now
TPC Flames

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