I change to a no for meat and elf. I told elfax not to go around posting, and he ignored me. No to meat, clan hopper
Originally Posted by Elfax View Post
clow plz anser me


So, no.
Last edited by Chris; Dec 15, 2010 at 11:31 PM.
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
pikasalt, d'uh

oh and
Originally Posted by Elfax View Post
Application form:
Name: Elfax (call me josh)
Age: 14
Playercard: ill post mine when my netbook is fully charged
Why I want to join: i want to join because i have wanted to be in a great clan (C3 isn't great, it's the best. You betta recognize.) forever and i love the clan and the name (period) i think that i whould be great for this clan and i am allways active ingame and forums so think about it plz
Why I (<-- THANK YOU JESUS!) think you will accept me: Well,i think that i am a good player i am a master belt and i buy tc all the time so i have a fair bit of tc most the time it dont (It's doesn't or won't, you retard.) fayz me if i have to donate (comma) so yer plz think about it (there should be a comma here) thank you.

Thanks for Reading,

Fuck no. You can either seem smart and be experienced or be stupid and be very nice. It appears you'd be pretty bad for a master belt, and it seems that you're an idiot. I'm against buying TC, and you do it "all the time" (I'm gonna do this to every app I see from now on.) Hurr Durr