Endurance Onslaught 6.0
What do u think
What are your thoughts on this replay. I was planning on using it to enter for ormo along with two others that i'm still working on. Is it smooth enough? more power? I was planning to use it as a decap replay.
Attached Files
Work In Progress.rpl (109.7 KB, 6 views)
hey again i just wanted to know if my moves in this replay smooth or no and how can i make them somoother ty
Alright its done but is the end suck or just let it the same ?
Attached Files
manip wip.rpl (115.4 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Alpha; Jul 4, 2015 at 11:32 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by TBGlitch View Post
What are your thoughts on this replay. I was planning on using it to enter for ormo along with two others that i'm still working on. Is it smooth enough? more power? I was planning to use it as a decap replay.

Originally Posted by AlphaN00b View Post
hey again i just wanted to know if my moves in this replay smooth or no and how can i make them somoother ty
Alright its done but is the end suck or just let it the same ?

ok i think i should make something clear for everyone

ill have larfen or someone add this to the OP later

this thread usually receives many questions that require our opinion and we usually have no problem answering them, but it is incorrect to do so unless it is clear to us what the goal of the replaymaker is. for that reason, i would like to introduce the following guidelines:

The purpose of this thread is not to ask for our opinion. In this thread, you present us with a clear problem that you want help fixing, and we try our best to help you. You should already know what your problem is, and you come to this thread because you are having trouble correcting said problem.

Questions such as "are there any problems with this replay?" or "is this replay smooth?" or "what is your opinion on this replay?" or "how do I make this replay better?" are not what we want in this thread.

What we want in this thread: Concrete questions where we can give you an objective response, such as "how do I aim this kick/punch in order to get more destruction?" or "what should I do in order to twitch less in my replays?".

Instead of asking "how to make this better", try to tell us what you would like your replay to look like, and then ask us how to do it.

Another thing - if you want to make an application for ORMO, you don't ask us if it's good enough before applying. That would be unfair towards other applicants, who genuinely do not have any idea of whether they will or not be accepted.

the big text doesnt mean im mad, i just want everyone to know how important it is.

examples of what we want in this thread:

Originally Posted by Miko View Post
Hello replay makers,
Any tips or suggestions on how to control a kick to look powerful without moving uke too far away? immediatly contracting the knee often makes it look a bit weird and weak...
I'll leave a replay as an example as I still don't know what to do to follow up the first kick :c

Originally Posted by xjmc View Post
Hi, I need help on slowing down, As you can see by the replay I made a boom on Uke's crotch, And I wanna grab Uke to do a boom on Uke's pecs and head.

Last edited by Larfen; Jul 6, 2015 at 08:56 PM.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
The purpose of this thread is not to ask for our opinion. In this thread, you present us with a clear problem that you want help fixing, and we try our best to help you. [B]You should already know what your problem is, and you come to this thread because you are having trouble correcting said problem.

I got you brosif My question is kinda weird so bare with me here toribash has been around for a wile and people have been making replays for years. So how do i come up with original replays when almost every type of replay has been made
@pusga: well said brother

@skrux: there's really no directions for making original replays. they just happen. usually a replay takes thought when you want to make it original. (p.s, this question lies extremely close/within what pusga was saying not to ask)
Originally Posted by SruX View Post
I got you brosif My question is kinda weird so bare with me here toribash has been around for a wile and people have been making replays for years. So how do i come up with original replays when almost every type of replay has been made

this question is fine. i had this problem a lot too, since initially my replays were too similar to eachother

as Larfen said a few times already, it is almost impossible to be completely original in the first 40-50 frames of a replay, because everyone has their tori start from that T position. generally, our instinct is to immediately rotate chest and swing arms to gather momentum.

after that there are a lot more possibilities. it is difficult to come up with original stuff because, besides the fact that it needs to be new and different, it should probably look good aswell.

when working on a replay, sometimes you notice that there are a lot of times where a part of the replay looks familiar. for example, how many times have you seen this setup in replays?

i imagine the answer would be a lot. the reason things like these are so common is because it is very easy to get a lot of momentum from those positions. however, from my experience, the key to making a replay that stands out from the rest, is it do the least expected in these setups.

i always try to think of all the possibilities i can go for when i have a setup, and i immediately discard the most obvious one. in the image above, the most obvious one would be to extend left knee and right hip, rotate left and swing out the arms for lots of momentum and a high jump. that is what i would avoid doing, because it is what a lot of people would immediately do.

the hard part is finding out about other possibilities. we are so used to doing what seems more effective that it is hard to look at the image above and think of other ways to use that setup. i myself cannot think of anything to do with that setup besides the obvious, so my decision would be even more extreme - delete that setup from my replay and try to make another, better one. the more possibilities it allows, the better.

of course, there is a downside to all of this. it is really hard to make weird stuff look good. i do not recommend that replaymakers should immediately try to do weird stuff if they are new, but if you are not new and do wish to try and spice up the replays, i suggest watching replays by people who are style-focused. these people usually have replays full of weird stuff, and make it look good. my favourite atm is probably Larfen, my favourite replay by him being this one.

try to notice how he does not always do the most obvious (the opener in the replay i linked in particular is an authentic ASSAULT of weird spins and positions, and they all look amazing in my opinion), a lot of times he keeps a slow spin instead of speeding it up by kicking the ground. other wacky replaymaker you might want to see: CheZDa, he is a bit older and i do not have any of his replay threads, but im sure you can google him or some of his videos.

good luckk
Last edited by pusga; Jul 5, 2015 at 12:14 PM.
oh yeah
^this was very helpful

Anyways, before I get to my question, I'd like to simply suggest that ORMO creates an FAQ to prevent tons of repeat questions. I'd be surprised if my question hasn't already been asked before to be honest.

Anyways, my question is; how 2 pose?

To elaborate, take a look at this replay.

It took me much longer than it should have to actually slow myself down into that pose. I'm still not even completely happy with it, and I don't like the amount of time I'm having to put into these poses, when they should be the easiest part of the replay from my perspective. I mean, if the boom took less time, then I seriously need some help.
I'm just gamin' man
Its funny you mention that error because for me, making the opener and making a pose are by far the hardest parts of making a replay.

I could do booms relatively quickly, but when it came to making a pose I would sometimes be there all day to try and get it how I wanted it.

A trick that I found is that you should always try and find ways to kill the momentum of your tori (not immediately ofc) in order to smoothly transition into the final pose. Something that myself among many other replay makers do is that we soften the impact when we want to pose. This can be achieved by killing momentum, and an abundance of holding and relaxing the joints.

if you are having troubles balancing try extending/contracting the ankles to the most desirable position and then holding. Note that little things can help such as moving the neck, relaxing elbows, etc.

Good luck dood

also keep in mind that the pose shouldn't be rushed, just take your time. I think in your replay you posed in a good frame of time but the little sloppiness at the end is probably what's irking you. You had quite the momentum going, so it would be unrealistic imo to try and pose that faster than what you have right now if you want to keep it smooth.
Last edited by MrJingles; Jul 8, 2015 at 08:21 AM.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by MrJingles View Post
Its funny you mention that error because for me, making the opener and making a pose are by far the hardest parts of making a replay.

I could do booms relatively quickly, but when it came to making a pose I would sometimes be there all day to try and get it how I wanted it.

A trick that I found is that you should always try and find ways to kill the momentum of your tori (not immediately ofc) in order to smoothly transition into the final pose. Something that myself among many other replay makers do is that we soften the impact when we want to pose. This can be achieved by killing momentum, and an abundance of holding and relaxing the joints.

if you are having troubles balancing try extending/contracting the ankles to the most desirable position and then holding. Note that little things can help such as moving the neck, relaxing elbows, etc.

Good luck dood

fuck poses

i envy anyone who can make a good pose in like 3 minutes
only pose if you naturally fall in an easily pose-able position if not then just relax all and be a cool hipster
wow that