Hello i would like to apply

forum activity: 8/10
ingame activity:9/10
i think this clan wil become one of the best clans out there and its got well respected members and a awesome leader so i would love to join thx please accept xD

Edit: id love to join but i just found out for some reason LSL hates he prob wont let me in
Last edited by Radogoshi; Apr 17, 2010 at 05:17 AM.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
Welcome to vibe fargle, and I guess you too corey.

Cool, me and my whole family are going to go paintballing for about 8 hours straight this summer, it's going to be fun to shoot old people.

You guess? :<

No to Crusader.
"a awesome leader"

There are two.

Also no, i will not let you in.
Also also, learn to type properly.
Originally Posted by Corey View Post
You guess? :<

No to Crusader.

I thought you quitted clans? Noob
I'm Noobie212, but My real name is Kenny and I'm 17 yeras old.
I would like to join vibe because of the layout, it has a great "vibe" to it. I can see that this is going to be a very good clan because of the leaders and members in it. I think I can fit in just right with this community and I love how this clan is just abut fun. Many oter clans are about what belt you are and so much other stuff.

You should choose me because I am loyal and fun to be around. I'm humourus and all that other stuff but know when to be serious when it is needed. I can fit right in this clan and it's right for me.
I know it's short but I tried hard.