Real name: Andrew

Age: 14

Why do you want to join?: I got invited, i'm clanless, it seems like a very nice clan and you are allies with many people/no enemies

Total amount of qi (Must be over 1000): 1337, i swear.

Which mods do you like most?: Judo/Aikido/Fun mods

How active you're on forums? (You must have 150+ posts): 600+ im not sure, and i don't spam, 1 and a half posts a day ftw!

Previous clans: Phoenix < very bad mistake, and Cookie when i was noobish.. then again ex-members of it are in pro clans now.

How would Unknown benefit letting you in?: I can do people texts, i would do clan art etc if you like, also got experiance with c4d might do some clan picz when i get it back .

Anything else about yourself: My Win ratio fails, this is because my cousin was playing on my account alot, im considering making an alt account.
Also, i get out at 3:00pm at school and my gmt is GMT, just gmt, like London time.
I'm not too tb rich, my normal ammount of tc is 5/7k i've only got like 10k atm.
Im in GATA and HTS.
Thats all.

Post at least 3 MP replays: I just installed Win7 And ive only got one spar in aikido with MikeChup, i won on only points and he won by DQ.
Last edited by TweakiN; Jan 11, 2010 at 04:58 PM.
I invited you, so you're in. Welcome, try to post some replays along these days.
Last edited by Sebaa; Jan 11, 2010 at 05:07 PM.