Double post, sorry. Left one thing out. I can periodically check the forums from time to time when she isn't using it after 6. Which is why the time of that other post was around 9 or so. It shouldn't be an issue in a couple of weeks. I've told Teague what's going on then.
Inq | GM | ORMO | Replay Thread
Need help with anything? PM me
Beta | Orko | Uric | Vodka | Aj | Ed | Firebolty | EJM | ChuckNinja
<[Obey]PlataBear> I yolo so hard erth looks up from his toilet
EJM wants me to change my name back. What say you, folks?
I see no double post ;P you've been ninja'd.

but yes, that's fine.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
Ninja'd D: You snuck up on me xD
Inq | GM | ORMO | Replay Thread
Need help with anything? PM me
Beta | Orko | Uric | Vodka | Aj | Ed | Firebolty | EJM | ChuckNinja
<[Obey]PlataBear> I yolo so hard erth looks up from his toilet
EJM wants me to change my name back. What say you, folks?
no YOU check the secret council! >=D

I'm on a freaken ninja roll!
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
Name: Bruno (TheSecret)
Reason gone: personal , reason.
Estimated time: couple of months, 3 ,4. around that

my inactivity will greatly increase,yes. altough i could check this forum on a regular basis if i needed.
you migth as well as remove me from the rooster alrdy since i dont want my rank to look bad, just promise me one thing ppl dont let retards and idiots get recruited and dont let no one mentally challenge take my place.
Until I return, the best for you all.
D: well this is sad...
I'll hold down the fort while you're gone...

You gonna be on skype still?
ex [Secret] Guardian - [OLDA]
that would be hipocritical on my behalf satsu. I doubt i will.
just be sure to keep things updated when i eventually get taken off the rooster.
and stickie my replay tread .
oh and try not to get the clan killed guys.
Well that was... unexpected. Hope everything is ok with you shemen...
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.