Ughh would like to play MC but blacklisted by parents XDD IDK why and what exactly do you mean lug?

Update too: Found my 7 year old tablet, working fine but finding the correct driver's a bitch, it's a LaPazz WP8060, tell me if you find a driver from a trusted site.

Also, added Kazumaxxx to enemy list, feel free to shovel him, lift kick, whatever cheap move you can think of, make him rage then just ignore him completely. Been there done that xDDD
Last edited by CloudFair3; Jun 12, 2015 at 05:39 PM.
Like I said last night bby, song's mellow for my taste but it's great to see that you're not a one genre/style kind of guy. Also make a thread on the art forums of tb bro, more people that are keen to music will comment and whatnot.

Speaking of music, still the best cover on youtube so far.
I guess I get what you mean, but like for me the reason is that I easily get bored with replay making, with a friend in a call, it's more fun and more possibilities are open because like you dont have to worry bout two tori's if it's a self spar or like you dont feel the urge to slack off because you'd be wasting your partner's time. So yeah, offering a possible explanation on that.
Messaged you on skype Brandon.
"dude what the heck
Brandon Carson-Oliver: you are a fucking ass hole you cock sucker i told you guys my computer was broke and you decided to kick me"

"Oh dude sorry I thought you wanted us to kick you because your comp was broken and didn't want Tau to have inactive members. We can't necessarily just put you back though, Tau has been gaining a lot more popularity since you've been kicked and more people have been wanting to get in now. You'd have to go through the same process as everyone else, we will consider your stay in Tau in the past though. Your reaction to that would also be taken into account though. The leaders and me will discuss this however. Considering the fact that you took it upon yourself to post in Tau's thread and call me "a fucking ass hole you cock sucker", would unfortunately not help your case however. Good luck in your future endeavors"

I do wish you had waited for me to reply before calling me names. Now I'm sorry but you'll have to wait and see what happens going forward from now on. But do not in any way dare blame us for whatever happens to your reputation after this post. You took it upon yourself to be blinded by rage. Please just don't hang your dirty laundry around anywhere. Again, good luck going forward.
Last edited by CloudFair3; Jun 15, 2015 at 04:54 PM.
Fangs, Be respectful and delete that post. Don't make me get a forum/Clan mod here to do it...


If you were respectful after this misunderstanding We would have Gladly reinvited you. Now? You're not welcome in Tau. You were unclear with what You wanted with the broken pc message. We did what We thought was right, What we thought you Wanted. Now, Calling my Members names. I already disliked you, You didn't fit into Tau very well, You were, Lets say, "Slow" for the conversations, But both of those were fine, I wasn't going to kick you for nothing. That's just wrong. But Now? I have no problem black listing you, Since You're going to be disrespectful To Tau, And One of my members, Much less One or My Co leaders.
Last edited by Kirakat; Jun 15, 2015 at 06:12 PM.