Endurance Onslaught 6.0
fight me.

and also regarding shape and depth, the coolest robo heads I have ever seen have at least, idk, 4 different forms of depth. They have metal that juts out, obviously the shaded sides of metal that makes it 3d, another layer that forms as in indent on the face, and really dark parts that are seen to fall into the head.

Make more detail with wires and cool glass panels or something.
overall really clean sharp lines helps a bunch. but obviously you aren't done with the head. I am sure you will polish it nicely.
Last edited by Yuma; Nov 26, 2017 at 02:23 PM. Reason: pickles
Originally Posted by Yuma View Post
fight me.

u dont have d balls 2 fite me m8

lookin' 4 abandoned heads asdf
Last edited by Karstnator; Nov 26, 2017 at 09:14 PM.

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
hit "back" on my mouse and lost my post...

Do not make more detail with wires and cool glass panels.
They are unnecessary detail, they distract.
Remember what chillz said about focal points in a previous post.

Two colours are fine, just make sure your use of colour is EFFECTIVE.

More is not better.
Better is better.

Do not have four different forms of depth.
midtone, two shadows, two highlights.
Remember what chillz said about not using the full colour spectrum.
Use depth to create shape.
Figure out what shape you want to create, then work around that.

Practise looking more.
Compare everything.
The eye is more important than the hand.
Use the colour picker and compare your shades to Chillz.
Overlay your image over his and ask yourself questions.
Then answer those questions yourself. Then when you think you understand, ask someone else.

Mostly, move away from that V shape and super aggressive lines.
That is so 2009.
Its 2017, robotic should be organic, slow curves, overlapping elements and good flow.

Keep this one simple, fewer but better elements.
Focus on making progress.
Do one thing well, with this one.
Then with your next one, do one thing better.
Once youve figured all that out, forget what Ive said, and learn what makes your style yours, what you want your style to be and leverage THAT.

Had more points and wrote it better the first time, but CBF.
Last edited by BenDover; Nov 26, 2017 at 09:20 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
hit "back" on my mouse and lost my post...

Haha! The best part is when you press forward HOPING for some reason it will still be there. just to be crushed again.
Originally Posted by 13chillz View Post
so out of all of these heads besides a couple of them there is ONE main idea and then the supporting art is just enforcing the main idea. u add a couple 1-3 small details that build up the main idea to make it better but not take away from it.

This is extremely noticeable with co-lab heads where there are multiple people adding their own small details. then the whole head becomes small details and then basically you don't even have a head anymore. just a ground texture.

For example your 3 mouth heads where its "horror" or something. the first lighter colored one was a mouth as the main subject. Couple of scars as your small detail and then a brain in the back that imo could have been exicuted better but its ok.

Next your wip. I'd say that one is actually better than the one below it with all the lines running around. where am i supposed to look? on the wip i see eyes and teeth. k the eyes are white its kinda scary or whatever, and teeth, cool. maybe one or two small things to add. (and fix whatever is going on with the ears.) but the bottom head with all the lines where am i looking? I tend to look up his nose to that thing going up his forehead or else his teeth with the huge gums. how is a thing going up someone's forehead or teeth with gums scary??

Now lets go to jebus head with the wood on the back (that actually imo should be removed and 10x better.) We got white eyes (draw attention) white teeth (draws attention) and some scars and beard to support it. easy its done, stop adding useless details, just flesh out the existing ones.

idk WHY you like that head of mine its actually a FAIL and shoulda been a lot better but i gave up half way through. only reason why its public is because i was wearing it and someone wanted to buy it.

all my heads that i chose to like are because there is something in them that is really well done technically. ie. mrootz hair, vitek hair, jebus skin/expression, clockwork shading, piff mapping/lighting.

nice one chillz, Once I finished some of jebus heads and when I first analysed,
I got his focals in my first impression, I just put the focals where I thought it was needed, worked fine.

My personal mistakes is to balance my heads and use low contrast on focals, tends to be boring, Not That I dont know about focals, I just dont care, I gone for realism, like on that head collab:


Done eyes, mouth and hair, the eyes are just amazing.
My focals are normally based on detail, look at these heads:


Originally Posted by Karstnator View Post

I dont know how to make interesting robot heads HALP

Kars, Use smudge with scatter for blending, learnt that a while back, forgot to update you.
Last edited by dengue; Nov 27, 2017 at 12:57 AM.
As yumi said Robot heads get boring with only two colors, but sometimes when the shading is done right and there's multiple forms of depth the head can turn out perfect, like what clockwork8 did. I believe this head is perfect to use as an example of what TO do

Originally Posted by McFarbo View Post
As yumi said Robot heads get boring with only two colors, but sometimes when the shading is done right and there's multiple forms of depth the head can turn out perfect

Will you make up your mind? Are you saying if your not good then fill it with random windows and wires and lights and stuff to fill up space?

Rather than just "shade with multiple forms of depth" and two colors and it's perfect.

Why not just start with aiming for perfection.

Or how about show me a good robot head with lots of little details.

^ Best art event of 2017

Also, Im using gimp and a mouse aAAAAaaa

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Originally Posted by 13chillz View Post
Will you make up your mind? Are you saying if your not good then fill it with random windows and wires and lights and stuff to fill up space?

Rather than just "shade with multiple forms of depth" and two colors and it's perfect.

Why not just start with aiming for perfection.

Or how about show me a good robot head with lots of little details.

I'm saying only using two colors is normally boring when there isn't enough depth to the head to accompany it, like with the gif you just posted of that head you made. Clockwork8 did a perfect blend of depth with the two colors to make the head look amazing.
So I guess the real question I was having is: At what point does your head become good enough that you don't really have to add all these supporting elements. And also, should you even aim for that these supporting colors/elements if your saying that depth and two colors are amazing.

As an example on the gif i could have just trashed it half way through when I realized it wasn't going to be anything special. (as i usually do)

Then to further that, should we be telling veoo to go for more than two colors or not?