How come every body did not look at replays or gave a review :/
TeamG23 l TeamAkido l Team Teakyon l Team Ninjutsu l TeamVoC
sorry g23 all of those replays are buggy as helll
so i can't give it review even if i try idk why but this happens sometimes
and how did the war go ?>
Nico i'm waiting i always want to judge replays and help with it
Yoo and vortex about training who needs it here xD idk
Btw i'm trying to get back my lenshu rank
normal judo is pure luck and opener
judofrac is actually playable though
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
idk i hate judo C:
I'm lenshu/wushu player and i'm forced to play aikido by
Fckn gays like dv
But i do it fore you skylar
I never played judomor judo frac. I used to play wushu and mushu and boxshu and taekyyon and jousting and twinswords but now I just pkay aikido stuff
actually there is skill involved in judo i have been playing it long enough to know i now some people who would quickly change your mind about that im not saying there is no luuck involved im saying there is a skill aspect of it