Originally Posted by Colors View Post
Page 3.. Fite me bitch.. MY TURF!

yeah well uh
[more shitposting]
but how are you, Colors? last time I saw you we were in [Crooks]
Originally Posted by Wizard View Post
Lol im page 1, my turf kekeke.

How's everyone?
Hi iPortal

Kekek, im good, ill shrek shit up soon!

Originally Posted by iPortal View Post
yeah well uh
[more shitposting]
but how are you, Colors? last time I saw you we were in [Crooks]

I've been in duck for about 7 Months before i came to "im"!
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

Originally Posted by Wizard View Post
Lol im page 1, my turf kekeke.

How's everyone?
Hi iPortal

Im page 0. Fuck off my turf boy. Also wizard, pls unblock me from skype.
