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Yes to watch list, no to apprectice system
2 Votes / 20.00%
Yes to apprectice system
2 Votes / 20.00%
6 Votes / 60.00%
Voters: 10. You may not vote on this poll
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I turned a troll around. I'm proud.
Anyways being butthurt is stupid.
Closing dis shits
oh shit i cant close it...
Trik it wasn't very smart to make a whole thread about this. It would be better to just discuss somthing like this to kevin via PM. Anyways like they said it was immature and handler doesn't deserve to be kicked.
Made by Fenris
Originally Posted by trikskier View Post
I turned a troll around. I'm proud.
Anyways being butthurt is stupid.
Closing dis shits
oh shit i cant close it...

You haven't turn me around. I just angry about how arrogant you are, inflating your sense of importance and diminishing the rest of the clan. Do you expect us to really give in to your little tantrum? What makes you think you're better than handler? Acting like this makes a little spoiled cry baby. Sorry for being harsh, but it's the cold truth.
and definitely not in defenestration gaming
This will not work.
Firstly, this clan would then be based on more or less social status. If we are a good clan, we should be a family, and in family there should be no ranks.
Secondly, it world be nearly impossible or simply extremely tedious to do this. Some things are just better off judged by common sense.
Thirdly, the are many different mods players can specialize in. This would cause this to be even more tedious.
Finally, I suck.
and definitely not in defenestration gaming
If someone wants to join they'll come play with us and if they're good we'll invite them. Invite only...
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
I love the idea, although this won't be easy to do like adrian mentioned.
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
1. Yes we are a family but have you ever heard of sibling rivalry ;), And i doubt an ingame ladder is going to change social status that much, I trust people here to be mature about it. It's just a friendly ladder and really doesnt mean anything
2. I doubt its going to be that difficult to do this, just organise with someone in the clan to play them best of 5 or somthing somtime during the week. Then we just tally the points. Simple.
3. Fine keeping ladders going for more than one mod might be a bitch, but if we limit people to playing one mod per week it saves time. Anyways I'm up for tallying and creating the ladder etc, people will just have to PM me their results and I add them to a table of sorts. I really don't see the tediousness you speak of.
Made by Fenris