When are you guy active? I can only ever find Sorriso and Brucia online D:

I'm usually on between 10pm and 2am because I assume that's when you guys are more readily available.
Last edited by Hippybob; Feb 11, 2012 at 04:01 PM.
i usually meet the others(neon,ferrock,miss,niko,swexx mostly) between 15 and 17 gmt+1 and sometimes also the evening between 22 and 24 (gmt+1)
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
@Irmantasx: we need to play you to make judgement on you, I haven't seen you on lately and I have been looking. What gmt are you usually on?

@Chuck: why did you leave fl0w, g and all the rest, and what makes you think you will stay in Jolly?
wishful eyes deceive me

First of all fl0w :
I've been in fl0w dince day 1(HUNG) and I liked the clan (a lot).
It was cool to chill out with my fl0w brothers.
But then they accepted members who aren't cool with me.
However , it was kind of okay for me.
After several posts in the disscusion thread , they still didn't do anything.
They didn't even considered my post.

I left fl0w and tried to join jollyR.

Gangsters is basically a russian clan.
I were actually just in the clan because I liked sir (pln is cool too , though)
After being 1 month in a clan which Language I don't understand I was like
"Sir , you're not man enough to kick me"
Because a relevant topic came in one of my tourneys.

it ended up sir kicking me out , but he immediately invited me after that.

Jolly Roger :
Well , as you may know I already applied like 3 times.
It's kind of a serious clan , I need serious clans(they stop me doing silly things)
Well , but this clan has also it fun sides and moments where I couldn't stop laughing in-game.
Let's do not forget that JollyR basiacally made me train in-game so that I can push up my skills.
Well , you guys have everything here (from gladiator to replay make , from marketer to artist) and that's what keeps me want to join JollyR.

Hope I could answer your questions.
My Gmt is +10. i havnt been too active lately though.
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
I have read all the forum rules and agree to them.
State what mods you can play: Aikido, Judo, Wushu. Mostly Aikido.
State whats your belt: 10th Dan Black belt; Rank: 10442
Qi: 11828
State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger: I would like to join Jolly Roger because you guys are respected as good players and I would like to learn and get better.
State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of: No earlier clans. Haven't had interest until now.
State why you left that clan: ...
State if you had any earlier accounts: Nope
State what happened to those accounts: ...
State if you have bought Qi. I bought 1000k Qi to get to 10th dan to buy Pure force.
State if you have bought an account with higher Qi than your original account: ...
State past infractions/bans: 5 warnings (I think.) 3 infractions for useless posts.
State your timezone: GMT 7 (United States of America, mountain time.)
State your age: 18
Forum activity: Not much, I play the game more.
In game activity: Lot's. Not allowed to play during the week though.
Vouchers: ...
Any special skills: Not many. For fun I just paint stuff on GIMP.
And finally state something about yourself: I'm not a total idiot. I can handle situations in a civil manner.
Did you mean you bought 10k to get to 10th dan or did you buy 1k to get from 9th to 10th.
Because 1000k = 10 million.