I seriously think riot should improve normal matchmaking. I was in a game yesterday where a level 29 went againt a 500LP challenger.

Might edit picture in later.


Last edited by Fluttershy; Jan 5, 2015 at 04:14 PM.
I went against a Fizz on lvl 20+ who had 4k games on normals before. It's pretty rare though. It's like once in 200 games or something.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Tad harsh statement no? I'm know everybody could improve, including yourself and our legendary Kristis.

Sounds to me like you don't play the "game" but you treat it like a job.

its a job when you go into every game knowing you're going to lose and you can't really do anything to help it

not harsh, thats why the average win/loss is 50%.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by Fluttershy View Post
I seriously think riot should improve normal matchmaking. I was in a game yesterday where a level 29 went againt a 500LP challenger.

Might edit picture in later.


cos normal games and ranked games have different matchmaking ratings you dumbass -_-
if a challenger player doesn't play normal games ever he'll have an mmr as shitty as yours how's that hard to understand
A few of my posts got deleted regarding Numbers reaching Diamond 1 playing akali. Sorry if those were a bit too immature, I was just kidding. Anyway, here goes the long post.

Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
reminder that everyone is bad at this game
id say sry but no, chances are 9/10 people reading this thread would be frustrating to play with and even though you ask hella questions in this thread, you won't ever be good at it. you might say you don't give a shit if you're good but why do ppl ask so many questions here? idk


First of all, stop crying like a little bitch which you are, it's annoying. You're dependant from your team-mates, this is how this game was made and if you cannot deal with it, don't play it.

First of all, you're doing the same mistake I do. I enjoy playing high damage assassins. I main Zed and Riven. The thing is, that winning with those champions, unless you're extremely ahead is hard, since this meta is all about finding the tankiest champion which deals the most damage. (Irelia pls) I love playing those high damage, squishy champs that are rather difficult mechanically, but the fact is that I got from Silver to Platinum purely by playing Godyr when he was in his prime. You have to adapt to the meta if you want to win.

Secondly, I've analysed the game a bit and there are shitons of reasons why you've lost.

Your mistakes:

•In the entire game you've placed your trinket 4 times, bought zero wards. You won't win without vision.

•14/7/0, would you look at that, zero assists, can't carry the game yourself and then crying. If you are doing better than your team-mates, go and get them kills. I bet you got salty and started flaming them that this game is impossible to carry or something like that.

•Judging from your post, I assume that you're claiming that you've stomped your lane, took objectives and helped your team mates.

Ahri placed her trinket 8 times, bought a ward, being behind by 180 cs and 4k in gold she managed to deal only 2k less damage than you did and she ended up with way better score.

10/8/17 compared to 14/7/0. Let me guess, when she lost her lane, she started roaming? Getting that many assists as a mid laner is pretty huge.

The thing is, that it's not entirely your fault that you guys have lost. Your team composition was absolutely horrible, your team-mates did bad and you're the only one with a positive K/D in your team. But it is not a reason to blame people and the game itself. Analyse the game, see what you could've done better and then play again. In addition to that, it was a normal, people go to train there.
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Tad harsh statement no? I'm know everybody could improve, including yourself and our legendary Kristis.

Sounds to me like you don't play the "game" but you treat it like a job.

Legendary Kristis? Lol pls, I suck.

And very well said. It's a game, you need to relax or otherwise LoL will end up eating you from inside. The amount of hate this game produces is too damn high.
Originally Posted by Daxx View Post
ye by like 2 divisions, then i kept climbing. anyway premades are there for a reason

Playing DuoQ reduces your winning chances. Just sayin'.
Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
its a job when you go into every game knowing you're going to lose and you can't really do anything to help it

not harsh, thats why the average win/loss is 50%.

Going into the game with such attitude is the first reason why you're losing. How about you try to think about how you can improve so you can actually "help it".

Also, your W/L ratio is at around 53% - 54%. That's actually pretty good. My EUNE account is at 52%, new EUW acc is at 65%. If you can keep a positive W/L, that means you're climbing, slowly, but surely.
Originally Posted by leyz View Post
cos normal games and ranked games have different matchmaking ratings you dumbass -_-
if a challenger player doesn't play normal games ever he'll have an mmr as shitty as yours how's that hard to understand

The hate is real lol.
Last edited by Kristis133; Jan 6, 2015 at 10:37 AM.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Originally Posted by leyz View Post
cos normal games and ranked games have different matchmaking ratings you dumbass -_-
if a challenger player doesn't play normal games ever he'll have an mmr as shitty as yours how's that hard to understand

Exactly because of that. If a player has more ingame experience in total games (normal + ranked) why would you make them go against begginers?
Originally Posted by Fluttershy View Post
Exactly because of that. If a player has more ingame experience in total games (normal + ranked) why would you make them go against begginers?

normal and ranked are DIFFERENT game types with DIFFERENT mmr. For example if the challenger player hasnt played a normal game in forever his mmr will the same as a fresh level player 30 or lower even, which is why he ended up in the same game. You could be bronze 5 in soloq but if you're a god in normals you'd play with diamonds there.

on another note:

freebie H Y P E
Last edited by leilak; Jan 6, 2015 at 05:16 PM.
Originally Posted by leilak View Post
normal and ranked are DIFFERENT game types with DIFFERENT mmr. For example if the challenger player hasnt played a normal game in forever his mmr will the same as a fresh level player 30 or lower even, which is why he ended up in the same game. You could be bronze 5 in soloq but if you're a god in normals you'd play with diamonds there.

I clearly didn't get my point through. Sorry for the misinterpretations it might have caused.

I know they are different queues and everything, but the game is the same (summoner's rift, 5v5) so I think that they should change it to improve the experience for new players. How hard could it be to add an integer with the total amount of games played for every map and add that to the mmr calculation or whatever is used?