hunger sucks arse, I'm not used to eating shit I randomly kill a pork every now and then to fill my HP, but eating regularily for the rest of my minecraft life? no thanks
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I'm sure someone will be making mods so you never need to eat, as well as to remove the xp. So I don't see much need to worry about it changing too much.

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What kind of server, like hosted on someone elses server (paid) or you host it etc.

Want to try something completely new to the Toribash Forums? Try the 10 Push-up Challenge!

I believe he means his own server. If so, check your IP, and give it out to your friends.

Anyways, how are people not liking the new update? I actually came out of my house at night. That, is something almost impossible.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
What kind of graphics card should I use to play minecraft...? I was able to play it before these last 4 updates. Now I lag to bad to see fire move correctly. I can't even walk without jumping 8 blocks ;_;
Any suggestions?
Sam if they can't join just off of your ip. You may need to port-forward.

Want to try something completely new to the Toribash Forums? Try the 10 Push-up Challenge!

Originally Posted by may0naise View Post
Sam if they can't join just off of your ip. You may need to port-forward.

Hey May0... my friends tried saying they asked you if you were my cousin. Did they really?

I told them not to go back on your server now if there gonna do weird shit like that
Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
What kind of graphics card should I use to play minecraft...? I was able to play it before these last 4 updates. Now I lag to bad to see fire move correctly. I can't even walk without jumping 8 blocks ;_;
Any suggestions?

Your graphics card won't effect performance to any great degree, it's your CPU that matters. And for people wondering how to change the fog distance, you need to press F3 then press 'F'.