Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
how the hell do you have only 70 cs at 20 minutes

Only level 28 and probably too busy killing 19 champs in 20 minutes.
Unless he got a kill every minute from after the one minute mark he should have at least 80 cs out of laning phase (Around 11 minutes or so)
didn't realize killing 3rd tier boots/botrk rush caitlyn 11 times was worth more than actually csing
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Oh, when you're behind like that, what do you usually build?
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Well bilgewater cutlass is 1400 iirc, berserker grieves are 1000 and the enchancement on them are an extra 475, thinking logically one could say that a simple B.F sword could've been better. It doesn't make sense to go botrk over ie/bt seeing as not one of them were building health
is anyone in this forum not bronze lol Ryan bf sword 1550 straight up nothing to build from assuming she died ever 3 mins or so she would never have enough for it and SparChar It really depends on who your against and how far you are behind doran blades never hurt and if its a poke lane try life steal and pots
I throw my Spanish in the air some times sayyin ayyo no comprendo
If you have boots of mobility and the enchantment Furor dose the enchantment counter the boots active?
♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
~Link is my personal Dj
The boots don't have an active, an active is something you *activate*

They have a passive, and yes, getting furor on them is pretty much useless because furor is pretty much useless. Mobo boots aren't the best choice either.