Well my element brothers i am posting this note to let you all know that i am retiring from the clan the reason for my retirement are personal they don't have to do anything bad with the clan i hope you all understand this...wish you all luck hope the clan get to be official soon ^_^ and before i go i have to say thanks to every element member that was there for me all the time (Sempandora, Haxu, Dentian) i will keep in touch with you ^_^ i will keep posting here if that don't bother any of you.
yes i did (say proudly) <---------dont know y :/

i was able too pool up 5 points XD

OMG A MINI WHEATS COMMERCIAL! (silence for 12hours)

<Insert Cucumer here>
Hey guys. I've beening thinking about this for awhile, and now I've made a decision.

I'm leaving Element. It's more me than it is you, I never really see anyone active other than maybe 2 members every week. That said, I'm going to go solo for awhile, and maybe join another clan that is more active when I play.

Maybe I'll join again, if there more members active in my timezone when you guys GO OFFICIAL.

Last edited by kac1010; Aug 8, 2009 at 05:55 PM. Reason: more
3 people leaving in three days. Even though I don't know any of you at all, goodbye and good luck to all of you.

Kac1010: Don't forget to change your sig.