Lol I just went 23/2/7 with a udyr Non jungle...Hes Op if u build tiger and bear stances first. Then get life steal and attackspeed With occasional HP item like one warmongs. The lifesteal stacks with Tiger so for the 3 hits it counts as 3 hits so you get a lot of health back from hitting someone
Back in business
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
Vandal twitch > Gangster Twitch.

Also I've discovered a new reason to play xin. I've watched guardsman bob play mid xin a bunch, and I was always pretty skeptical until I mid against one. I just felt I had to try it.
Basically at level 2 you have the scariest harrass that will drop them to a quarter health everytime unless they burn a flash or blink. You zone people out pretty hard too. And you're usually pretty ungankable due to the fact that your health is nearly constantly full because of your passive. He's a hell of a lot of fun.

If any of you actually want to try, I get my dash up first, but in reality, getting up 3 talon strike is fine too, I just like the initial burst of harrass because you won't always get all 3 hits off while laning. I rush wriggles, then ghostblade, and then just situational items. So yeah.

Too bad I have gangster twitch
I like gangster twitch, i bought kingpin though, i think that looked good, pretty cheap and i didnt want so have the skin everyone else is using. so i feel good.
Following any particular build on twitch ?
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Originally Posted by JellyNinja View Post
I like gangster twitch, i bought kingpin though, i think that looked good, pretty cheap and i didnt want so have the skin everyone else is using. so i feel good.
Following any particular build on twitch ?

Yeah,I start with Doran's Shield or Blade depending of their team.
Then I tend to rush boots of mobility, then start building a AD or AS item depending of how you want to build him.
Usually I get Zeal,upgrade it to phantom,then Black Cleaver or Bloodthirster depending of their team.For a defensive item (if needed) I buy Banshee's Veil.

For the first spell I use expunge,I think its much better than having a 10 second stealth.Cause of my runes,I start the game with about 0.950 attack speed,and with that + expunge I often get first blood.

I play lane twitch cause i'm usually premade with my friend so we're very synced.But if you want to go mid you will see why twitch is the best,harrasing the enemy with the poison,last hitting as you please etc..

Also with expunge you want to stack as much poison before using it,and be ready to get yelled at for being a "stealer" cause it does so much dmg.
Good luck.

Smack Bitches.

The problem with twitch right now is he's so delicate that in mid-to-late game team engagements, if your opponents are playing smart, the twitch will die in an instant every time. This used to not be a problem, when his ult gave him twice the range he has now, but since that patch, Twitch has been unable to hold a candle to stronger carries like Corki, Ashe, or Tristana.

He's also one of those champions that is very punishing to any mistakes made while playing him, so his skill requirement is pretty up there. I suppose he's great for pubstomping though, if you're pre-30 or below 1000 ELO.
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Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

What you guys can say about Caitlyn, I'm still debating rather I should go for her or nocturne. Because I have play a match with Caitlyn and I was having a lot of fun.
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