Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
Maybe I changed :P

I think the problem is you and I havent had a conversation in a while.

i think this goes for most of us,i believe an online meeting would solve some issues better than the forum.
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
I think the problem is you and I havent had a conversation in a while.

I will probably be in game today and tomorrow

Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
Actually I was wondering what you are doing now in terms of your plant biology thing. Cause I remember a while ago you said you had a successful experiment or something like a das.

The experiment is 4/5 completed, still need to do 1/5th - its already set up, I just need to do the analyses, hope I get a good result

Got a first graduate student, she is just beginning but I am satisfied so far.

I am writing my first good paper, hope it goes well and gets published til the summer or autumn. It bugs me a bit since I need to do one more proof for that paper, but that particular experiment does not like me at all. But fuck it, if I try over and over I must get lucky one time xD.

After I send it I will start writing my PhD, still have several experiments, but they should go as planned, and the graduate will help me, so it will be a bit faster than if I was doing them myself. Its possible I will get the PhD this year, but that is not rly important, this or next, is the same imo.

You are a real psychologist, asking me about what I like talking, turning my opinion xD
wishful eyes deceive me
Haven't forgotten about me have you guys?
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That's good to hear.
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Originally Posted by Irmantasx View Post
That's good to hear.

Or is it?

Anyway i'm kinda busy so i'll have to see you guys ingame on the weekend or something
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
Anyway i'm kinda busy so i'll have to see you guys ingame on the weekend or something

I hope to cath u
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Originally Posted by ANDROIDex View Post
Well i'm definitely hoping that i'm in. Good luck for other also me.

your not...I thought we told you this....