Name: Chandler Beltz. No I’m sorry I am not Chandler Bing sorry. If you could I prefer just Chandler.

GMT: -5

Ban/Frac History: 2 infractions one for ignoring rules and 1 for spam I think? 1 ban for scamming. Because the guy sent the items and I went inactive for 3 days and could not send the item back. But trust me when I say this but I have changed myself and promise to never do that ever again. Also I have 2 infractions that I got from being hacked by jcmert and he posted that crap in this thread. I am sorry guys I promise I did not post it. Check my login history that day was a new code.

Forum/Irc Activity: Forum and in-game activty I am on quite a bit but I have dad's house so I cannot be super active sorry.

Past Clans: Icof and then I left them because they were too inactive. So then I joining KiLa but nobody got on much and then I joined Secret but I left because it was getting too strict. Then I join Piratez but I didn't like it very much because the activity was bad. I have always wanted to join C3 and I still do, so please give me an acception.

Best Mod: Aikido because I love reversing and trying to line dance at the same time. It is very complicated but when it works it plays off a lot. My other best mod is Wushu because I love the concept of not grabbing and trying to survive while being fractured.

Talents: Replay making. Below are examples of my replay making and they did not take me that long to do but they are pretty decent and by my opinion I am impressed.

Why do you want to join?: Because I know a few people in this clan and they are good friends, also I would like to join because I know alot of people in this clan and you guys are fun to hang out with and fun to joke around with. I would know because I have hung out with some of you guys before.

Why should I let you?: Because I am talented and I am not coming and applying for this clan without knowing anybody. Also because I am and will be loyal to Adventure and that I have great trust in some of the members in this clan but I am not sure that they have the same trust in me but it is ok because it takes time to build trust.

Info about yourself: I am 12 years old which means I have school, also I have a very not normal life and I have a great skill for toribash. Including that I introduced Jcmert to toribash and watching him grow up belts and now he is past me game wise not skill wise ;P. Also I have a half and half time with my mom and dad because they went to court . Also I did not know my dad until I was 10 year old. One great thing I am planning is to stay in Toribash until I become a Gm and I have a God belt, as you see I am planning to stay in Toribash for quite a long time. The bad thing is at my dad's house I cannot play Toribash because he is a meaner. But as you see I am allowed to play Toribash at my mom's because I am at my mom's right now. So that is pretty much all the basics about me. Also I am working on getting more posts. Happy voting .

Replays: (3) I do not have replays on this computer but I have a link to my old replay thread.
I've looked at your replays, why do you act like you're good at this game? Honestly, you're not good at all. You seem to always kiss-up to me, at least, I don't know about everyone else, is it because you want to get on my good side for a yes?

I think not.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Well, I don't care to much to in-game skills...

I really see you application...

And it was pretty good so...

Yes for me.
You can't just decide by his app. Any moron (no offense chandlerb) can make a long application, but it still doesn't mean they are a good person.

From what I've seen and heard, I feel the same as Kyou.


Originally Posted by Glow View Post
We don't :>

Only the people who deserve to be in, like the people who write novels for apps.

lol'd ;)
Also because I am and will be loyal to Adventure!!!?? and that I have great trust in some of the members in this clan but I am not sure that they have the same trust in me but it is ok because it takes time to build trust.

Are. You. Kidding. Me?

. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot

Kyou complained about the post being too long especially with the images, so it's in spoilers now

Last edited by LastGod; Apr 28, 2011 at 02:14 AM.
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]

She is so cute omfg
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Originally Posted by chandlerb View Post
I am a 11 year old male, and my belt in toribash is 2nd Dan. I want to join Colon 3 because this clan seems like a very talented and very organized clan. The reasons you should let me in is because i am very active, kind, and can provide a free clan video. Also my activeness on the forum are 8 out of 10. My activness ingame is 8 out of 10 also. My preivous clans are KiLa. I left KiLa because there was not much going on aroung there. Here are also some of my replays.

Originally Posted by Glow View Post

She is so cute omfg

Not if she hits you in the head with that chair.
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
Watch some more anime, Clow. If you do, you'll realize that those Tsundere girls that act like the one in the picture are scary.
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