Well.. I've been missing allot.. welcome back flux, you don't know me and i don't know you. But it wuld be nice to know you. Btw I'm sorry for your dad
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
well i got back on the last time before evryone hops to bed and such, :L i need to see if i can buy an cheap comp here @_@

Welcome back ^.^ Isn't it... a bit early to go to bed? Even here it's just 12.30 am.

BTW, what GMT do you have over there? -3?
@Godly Makes sense... Nathan is 7 hours away and Alabama is close. I'll try to make him go meet you

@Artistry Good morning! She isn't back, she just has internet connection.
well has to go now peeps, gonna look around here and dont, he probaly wont find me >.< or he get caught by the cops cause hes high