Originally Posted by Dadeichu View Post
Time for da truth. ima boy! Xander Covington to be exact.. 10 years old. sorry for lying..

Mah channel! :

3 mah videos!

Akward silence? Srs?

Also, new replay

Akward silence? Srs? Also, New replay

Lying about your gender on the internet, hmm don't think I've ever seen that before
What I find funny is dade says shame on us, for him not being truthful.
Also here is my app for ascetic (I miss the rank)::

I am 5th dan black belt
Made the clan rank
9/10 forum and in game active
Never backs down
And I want too find more members who are trully forum active so we can have more and more activity.
And if this commands added, I shall kick some more inactive members, who I know are inactive.
Well just add me to the enemies list. You obviously don't respect me and every one is turning against me so why not.
Well you shouldn't be upset, it was your fault. If you didn't lie or leave in the first place none of this would've happened. Also I have a question.... Why do you curse so much if you're just a 10 year old. :P
Come on now Dade, I realize that you're only ten, but you gotta have some sort of common sense. I don't know what you did in the past, but everyone is in agreement that what you did was an offense. The punishment has been served, there is no need to take this any further.
"Too black for the white kids, too white for the black, from honor roll to crackin' locks up off them bicycle racks"