Plan A was to go to Clan and then Plan A was to rejoin Jolly. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this was the plan. What a terrible thing to say, I could not make you guys my "Plan B".

In my mind I wasn't thinking: 'If Clan goes bad i'll just go back to Jolly'

Oh by the way I love the communism, so no execution pliz .___. commy4life
Last edited by Hippybob; Feb 3, 2012 at 01:18 PM.
Hippy has wrong,but if someone can't wrong neither with friends,so we are all fucked in this world
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
We can be friends even if we are not in the same clan.

Hippy left coz he felt he was becoming closer to people from another clan, what has changed?

I have no problems with clan hoppers, as long as they do not hop in and out of my clan, I feel disrespected by this. I do not like to be disrespected by friends, its one of few friendship breakers, for me.

To sum it up, I don't see why Hippy left us in the first place, and now I don't understand
why he wants back (so fast). I can not cast a vote before this is clear in my mind.

If Hippy can explain to me his actions, in a simple way (like I am retarded) I am willing to listen.
Last edited by missuse; Feb 3, 2012 at 03:13 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me
Basically I joining Clan and then I felt like rejoining Jolly. Hippys act almost purely on impulse so thats how i portray impulsiveness on the internet. I didnt mean any disrespect I also do not understand how it is disrespectful :S
So you are saying you will do what ever you feel like doing, at a given moment?

To be honest I don't care much if you rejoin or no. Your impulsiveness bugs me more time than it entertains me. I did not feel like this from the begging, I enjoyed hanging and playing with you very much, but as time passed, it felt either you have changed or I did not get a good first impression.

Maybe its just personal incompatibility, I don't do impulsive things, I think and then act.

As for my vote, I will be honest and post it here. I will vote the opposite from the majority, because I don't want my vote to change anything. You will be accepted or denied but my vote will have no part in it.

I do not want to judge what I do not understand.
Last edited by missuse; Feb 3, 2012 at 06:38 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me
Maybe I changed :P

I think the problem is you and I havent had a conversation in a while.

Edit: Actually I was wondering what you are doing now in terms of your plant biology thing. Cause I remember a while ago you said you had a successful experiment or something like a das.
Last edited by Hippybob; Feb 4, 2012 at 05:00 AM.