Saying hello from Japan. Weekend now so we get to use the internet. Going home tomorrow, then gonna go to Europe the day after.
master of the universe
My girl and I are going on our first legit date (every other meeting has been me drunk and her sober driving me home) and then she's staying the night. I'll stream it live if you want.
Originally Posted by FreshPrins View Post
My girl and I are going on our first legit date (every other meeting has been me drunk and her sober driving me home) and then she's staying the night. I'll stream it live if you want.

Hidden Camera go go go
Originally Posted by FreshPrins View Post
My fucking face when "oh she's christian, no sex before marriage, nothing will happen".

I was very. very. wrong.

I'm sorry bro but that's hilarious. Maybe you can convince her to change her mind about that.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Originally Posted by Gum View Post
I'm sorry bro but that's hilarious. Maybe you can convince her to change her mind about that.

Not likely, but worth a shot anyway
Originally Posted by Swarfiga View Post
Last time I checked 1331 + 5 = 1336.
I don't get it.

Last time i checked his postcount was 1332. He's already passed it, sadly.

Also, FreshPrinsess, U MAD?
No, what I meant was I went into the date expecting nothing and got a lot more than nothing. Not mad in the slightest.

Fucking massive picture of us