Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by 13chillz View Post
I think you have like 20+ members that should have at least some ideas even if they don't want to draw. unless they are all gone...

I can guarantee you that 80% of these people haven't checked this group in the past 6 months.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."

ever considered asking the people who are actively working on the colab? That would be efficient.
also, 13chillz doesn't seem to be using the word "we". Are you still going to work with us on the colab or no? I am confused.
Last edited by Yuma; Nov 23, 2017 at 06:15 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Well there wouldnt be much point if Chillz just fixed everything you guys did.
He's an asshole, if he participated any more, he'd just overrule everything you guys discuss.

Originally Posted by Veoo View Post
13chillz is probably best to ask for that but here anyways:

Small Tutorial


questions foor 13chilllz (annoyinggg)

I have a different opinion on mapping, the eyes are not in the middle of the head.
bottom line of the eyes should be on the centre line. But keeping in mind that eye sizes change and one should be flexible enough to make adjustments accordingly.
Sticking the eyes in the middle of the centre line, you wont see the chin on the sphere and the mouth gets pinched towards the bottom.
There is a correct way to map, but it differs from style to style.

Mapping the eyes to the centre line was done by people who did anime/cartoon heads and relied on using cool hair design to fill the rest of the massive forehead space.

It needs to be adjusted depending what youre focusing on.
The sphere is awful to map on, if you draw to map hair correctly, the chin ends up underneath the sphere.
If you draw to map the face correctly, there isnt enough space to map hair correctly.
Heads arent round, so its very difficult to get the balance correct.

Tutorials dont give the full story, figure shit out.


As to your comment on him getting stuff done in just a few strokes, he works big and refines, but doesnt over do the refining.
He's also had alot of practise, you should see his first works.
The sphere is tiny, you dont actually need to refine THAT much.
He bugged me for ages, trying to get me to use bigger brushes.

Also piggybacking on his comment a while back on lighting and how much of your colour palette youre using in a small space, he's blending effectively and isnt actually going through that much of a range of highlights, mid tones and shadows, so the blending required and playing with opacity etc is less than you'd think.
But Chillz is one of the better ones at doing that anyway, so yeah.

Originally Posted by Karstnator View Post
Sup chillz may you CnC a head I made waaay back


Since chillz didnt comment on this:

Red - Jawline could use some more shape, also exactly what I was talking about with the chin on the sphere.
Blue - You went far too dark on the shadow here, it throws the depth off on the rest of the head.
Yellow - Circles and toribash, mapping went to shit on the sphere.

Otherwise it looks good, great improvement over your past stuff.
Id recommend not being so liberal with your highlights, it flattened it out somewhat and lessens the impact.
Especially around the nose, your nose has the same highlight as the chin and the cheeks and the forehead, theyr all at different heights, light hits them to different extents.
Last edited by BenDover; Nov 23, 2017 at 09:39 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Nice to see yah Bendo.

Anywho, regarding mapping @Karstnator, I am currently working on a really in depth tutorial on head texture creation, though it is more of a look - n - listen sorta thing in which I make a head and talk about what I do/why I do it.

It is going to be more relevant to anime and cartoon style
, though I can easily add some metal tips and realism shading tricks if wanted.

. . . that's right. I ain't no one trick pony b-b-b-b-oiii.

For example, ya boi personally likes to map eyes here:



Sometimes, though, eyes can get stupid. Especially in cartoon.

Cartoon Exception

After a few minutes of shivering in my cold ass room, I could see that veoo's eye placement is situational, but effective.



Despite lining up fine on a horizontal level, I did have to raise it a tiny bit; I personally have issues with perfectly line-leveled eyes due to them being a tad bit too low for me. I always make the eyes a bit above the middle line of the template. Otherwise, you will have to sacrifice some face space (nose and mouth). Sometimes, you can. Sometimes you can't. It is 100% in your control either way.

Whatever works.
Last edited by Yuma; Nov 23, 2017 at 11:03 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post

Since chillz didnt comment on this:

Red - Jawline could use some more shape, also exactly what I was talking about with the chin on the sphere.
Blue - You went far too dark on the shadow here, it throws the depth off on the rest of the head.
Yellow - Circles and toribash, mapping went to shit on the sphere.

Otherwise it looks good, great improvement over your past stuff.
Id recommend not being so liberal with your highlights, it flattened it out somewhat and lessens the impact.
Especially around the nose, your nose has the same highlight as the chin and the cheeks and the forehead, theyr all at different heights, light hits them to different extents.

Thanks BendOver! I haven't made a texture in months :^(

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
He's an asshole, if he participated any more, he'd just overrule everything you guys discuss.

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
Well there wouldnt be much point if Chillz just fixed everything you guys did.
He's an asshole, if he participated any more, he'd just overrule everything you guys discuss.

Originally Posted by 13chillz View Post

lol same --- like what the fuck bendover

he may have bene ignoring ALL my pms and not answering all my questions...

but dude he's not being a dick.

Chill out.

Also you're a hypocrite

Originally Posted by BenDover
he'd just overrule everything you guys discuss.

Didn't you literally just do that?
Originally Posted by Veoo View Post
he may have bene ignoring ALL my pms and not answering all my questions...

but dude he's not being a dick.


Also, I think Bendo is talking about dominance during the creation of the head. As in 13chillz will make a good chunk of our contributions to the texture obsolete.
Last edited by Yuma; Nov 23, 2017 at 06:15 PM. Reason: none of your business heh
Originally Posted by Yuma View Post

Also, I think Bendo is talking about dominance during the creation of the head. As in 13chillz will make a good chunk of our contributions to the texture obsolete.

how is that being an asshole?

also he hasn't done anything?

He's just given tips, he's even said we should get like 20 members to participate so like....

and Idk I think the head has changed A TON between 13chillz's original wip and your latest wip.
Who are you talking to m'boi? I am simply translating what Bendo said, since I think you got it a bit wrong.

Whether or not the statements are valid is beyond me. and uh . . .

Did you finish your WIP yet? I am very bored.