Well, new conversation topic anyone, we seem to have nothing to talk about and since im a boring person I cant think of anything creative
Let's have a conversation topic about what conversation topic we should have.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
Originally Posted by BBKing View Post
Well.. this belongs to the private board.. but we should talk about allys.

allys are da best look at me ... im the worst example ever hehe

"Topic about jokes" , oh wait shenanigans thread .... fuck myself.
Event: bet-server
Date: 01/August/2015

Right now.
Join us.
Also someone with VIP global please.

Not doing it today
Last edited by Kore; Aug 1, 2015 at 03:21 PM.

I have VIP, PM me if you need a global message, but you have to send me the TC for it.
ShhhMikes Moderated Message:
I need big juicy celery sticks ;3
Join the Stone in Lenshu tourneys!!!!!! 3-5pm easterntime Saturday-Sunday!
Lenshu Master/Buddhist